Interview exclusive: Sammy Battle


Mirceone (Mpty Zine):Hi Sammy this is Mirceone from MptyZine. How things are?

Sammy Battle:Hey Mircea nice to meet you, I’m good thanks.

I know you have started an european tour,how it is so far?

The tour is going great, we’re currently 3 shows in and have 17 to go so it’s early days but it’s been so much fun so far. I have already been to some incredible places and seen so much!

Acoustic folk-punk is a genere that it’s ascending slow, tell me few words about your roots in music?and philosophy

I am originally from a post hardcore band background and as a kid I was into bands like Thrice, Underoath, Saves the Day, Taking Back Sunday, etc. I loved playing in bands but as I’ve got older my ideas have changed and I have ditched playing loud and hard for an acoustic guitar. I really enjoy sharing my stories in the form of a song and hopefully that comes across during a show.

Also please make me a top 10 of your favorites bands.

In no particular order;



Hot Water Music

Taking Back Sunday

Saves the Day



Dave Hause

Sam Russo

Ducking Punches

Tell us a few words about The Seafarer EP.

So The Seafarer is a collection of 5 songs plus a bonus track that I wrote around the time of travelling down the west coast of California. It’s completely DIY from start to finish – I wrote, produced, recorded and pressed the entire EP at home. I drafted in different people to add harmonies and additional instruments. The title track is actually about a swim I did from Alcatraz Prison in San Francisco back to the mainland, it was a brutal challenge but also so beautiful. The song signifies how even when things are really rough, if you knuckle down and push through, you can come out the other side.

What are the main influences for you when you write something?

I generally try to write about real experiences and how I was feeling at that moment in time, it’s a kind of release I guess. I usually start with a bunch of feelings, which turn into lyrics and then I add the music last, although occasionally I start with a simple melody.
If you will end up on a far away island all alone, name 3 things that will keep you busy

  1. A book on survival techniques – I would want to thrive on the island rather than just surviving.
  2. A sharp knife – to forage, hunt and build things.
  3. My guitar – I reckon I’d be writing a lot of songs!

New project for the near future? an LP?

I actually have a bunch of songs I am desperate to record. I have found somewhere I’d like to record and have tons of ideas of how I would like it to sound, so I will hitting the studio hard after this tour so watch this space!

Sammy please share few words with our few online readers.

Firstly thank you so much for taking your time to read this article. I really hope you guys get chance to check out my music and if you ever make it to one of my shows please come over and say hello, one of the best things about touring is meeting new people!

Thank you so much for your time,if you have something else to add,please feel free to do so.

Stay safe and most importantly look out for each other, we’re all in this together!

Much Love

Sammy xM

Mirceone (mptyzine) vs. Sammy Battle-sept.2015

Thanks to Katrin and Flix Records

the interview will be available as well in no.32 coming out soon.
