Interview Disrejects – Guadalajara punx

Oi amigos! We are happy to share with you a short interview with Disrejects from Guadalajara, Mexico. Cheers and enjoy!


MirceONE: Hola Hugo, soy MirceONE de mptyzine, ¿cómo te va hermano?

 Disrejects: Súper bien gracias.

Para aquellos que no conocen the Disrejects, ¿puedes resumirnos su historia?

Proyecto pensado años atrás entre Esteban Infeztado y Hugo Conflicto, aunque llevado a cabo hasta el otoño del 2017 debutando con la primer alineación mas no la definitiva (Rex-guitarra, Huevo-bateria, Diego percebe-bajo, Esteban Infeztado-guitarra y Hugo conflicto-voz), varios de los integrantes iniciales habían trabajado con anterioridad en proyectos conjuntos, lo cual facilitó el desarrollo y la fluidez de DISREJECTS en un comienzo, con el tiempo el proyecto tuvo algunos cambios de alineación, saliendo Rex y Huevo, entrando Chiri Noiserum-guitarra y Chima-bateria.   

Los he visto en vivo algunas veces en Guadalajara, debo decir que es un show lleno de energía y me encantó. ¿Nos puedes describir su sonido y su mensaje?

Algo de lo que nosotros mismos nos hemos percatado es de la potencia que proyectamos con nuestra música, misma que desde luego queremos contagiar a la siempre respetable audiencia, una vez encendidos los motores no hay marcha atrás,  buscamos que nuestro sonido sea envolvente, crudo y directo, como un chingadazo de realidad, en cuanto a nuestro mensaje, la compleja situación que se viene viviendo en México, América Latina y gran parte del mundo desde hace años genera en nosotros un sentimiento visceral que nos incita a gritar, tratar de hacer visibles las injusticias, la impunidad, el control de los medios masivos de comunicación, la desigualdad, la pederastia, la violencia estructural, desgraciadamente los temas que tocamos suelen ser incomodos para muchas personas, pero así como se normaliza la violencia y varias cuestiones negativas creemos que también hay que normalizar la lucha desde cualquier trinchera.   


¿Dónde serán sus próximos conciertos?

Tendremos dos presentaciones para un reencuentro de Los Monjo y los 20 años de Puerco, claro si la alerta sanitaria así lo permite.
Actualmente estamos trabajando en material nuevo para renovar nuestro repertorio y nuestro show en vivo.

Coméntanos un poco sobre sus influencias

Música del mundo, siempre cargada con tintes y contenidos subversivo, combativos y de problemática social, en la banda todos tenemos influencias diferentes desde el crust, punk rock, Street punk, surf etc.

Nos puedes compartir un Top 10 de tus bandas favoritas de todos los tiempos

Mano Negra, The Clash, Ry Cooder, Ali Primera, Wolfbrigade, Tragedy, Napalm Raid, Karkage, Los Crudos.

Si realizaran un split EP, ¿con que banda lo grabarían?

En verdad estamos bastante abiertos en la realización de materiales en conjunto, hemos participado ya en compilados con bandas de la CDMX y pues estamos con toda la disposición de generar nuevas alianzas y fortalecer las que ya existen.

¿Qué otras actividades realizan a la par de la banda?

Diego es fundador de una A.C. llamada Casa Quinqué, dedicada a la prevención de las violencias en comunidades vulnerables a partir de actividades socio-culturales tanto en las comunidades como en el espacio donde están ubicados, actualmente cuentan con taller de serigrafía, estudio de grabación, talleres diversos como baile, pintura, gimnasia cerebral para adultos mayores, galería de artes plásticas entre otras actividades, todas desarrolladas desde una postura Autónoma y autogestiva.

Hugo: se dedica a la producción diseño grafico para las diversas bandas de la escena local y foránea.

Chiri: cuenta con salas de ensayo el Noise Rum, donde brinda un espacio a todo aquel talento que quiera echar rock&roll con equipo de calidad, en un ambiente fraternal.

Esteban: dirige Infeztado Records culpables de tener super activa la escena en Guadalajara, moviendo bandas locales, nacionales e internacionales, generando redes que son muy importantes para que la escena independiente pueda ser escuchada en vivo en todo el país.

Cuéntame, ¿qué conoces sobre Rumania, y sobre la escena del Este de Europa?

La historia de Rumania es bastante interesante, ciudades medievales, transiciones del socialismo al modelo occidental de mercado capitalista  mitos, leyendas y gente maravillosa, una lengua emparentada al español aunque en la actualidad es entretenido comprender las tradiciones milenarias que sobreviven a la par de la “modernidad” que de a poco acaba consumiendo la identidad de todos los pueblos del mundo.

Háblame un poco sobre la escena de Guadalajara, yo he asistido a algunos conciertos y he visto buenas bandas, ¿puedes contarnos más al respecto?

La escena en Guadalajara es complicada, el público se entrega cuando algo les gusta pero cuando no es un poco difícil, sin embargo existen varias bandas activas que tienen propuesta buenas y novedosas así como bandas con una larga trayectoria que siguen dando de que hablar, en lo particular sentimos que hay pocos rostros nuevos en las tocadas, sin embargo uno nunca sabe y de pronto logras apreciar shows con muy buena recepción del publico te llevas agradables sorpresas.

¿Puedes compartirnos dónde escuchar su música en las redes sociales?

Actualmente nos pueden encontrar en todas las plataformas, youtube, spotify, bandcamp etc etc.


Un mensaje para nuestros lectores en línea, algo que nos desees compartir. ¡Saludos!

Apoyemos a la escena local, y los proyectos independientes, construyamos y fortalezcamos las redes entre bandas y colectivos que son lo que al final nos mantienen activos, fluyendo y con ganas de generar más música.

Thanks to Hugo and Disrejects.

Check them here: FB / BANDCAMP

Puerco – La Otra Violencia promo

portada la ota violencia

Well first when i was listening to Puerco i said finally a punk band the way should be. The guys are coming from Guadalajara, Mexico and La Otra Violencia is their 4th album, this year they will have their 20th year anniversary. All the albums are in the same honest style, there are a lot of bands that started with anger and finished in totally different directions, not Puerco. As always will be injustice, abuse and other social problems and you can always choose to raise your voice for something. They have a strong message for liberty, human and animal rights and enviroment. 8 tracks of pure punk rock the way should be: honest and angry. You can check them on bandcamp HERE and look for them on FB HERE

Annotation 2020-03-25 111509


1.Unión y rechazo
2.Humano, honorable humano
3.Piensa y libérate
5.Alma de acero
8.Demasiado viejo

Andrew Paley – promo singles Scattered Light

Photo By Ben Bernschneider

Oi amigos! Today i will share a promo a bit more special. I want to present you to Andrew Paley. He is known for his band The Static Age. They are a post-punk from Burlington, Vermont and Chicago, IL, they have been toured in Europe, Russia, Japan and of course in US. In Romania they have played in 2016. Andrew is presenting his new material “Scattered Light” that will be out on Highwires this summer of 2020. The album has already 3 singles already: Caroline, One Match Fire and the latest one called Give Up. There is romance and honestity along with poetry in all his songs. It’s a trip into your soul and brings you optimism and a simple smile. It is nice and relaxing as the other three previous materials and brings emotion back to life. A nice touch! A personal favorite is One Match Fire, it’s a nice video and awseome lyrics.
Thanks to Felix from Flix Records and Andrew.

Caroline single cover
One Match Fire single cover
Give Up single cover

Caroline lyric video

One Match Fire (official video)

Give Up lyric video

Bronze – Serbia Hardcore


Today i will bring my attention to our neighbor countries, Serbia. I am a bit familiar with some bands from there and i must say that they are growing each day (not the same i will say for Romania), a lot of good heavy music and i am proud that the Balkan heavy is going strong. After the 90’s countries of ex Yugoslavia and our neighbors from Bulgaria started to rise up (jsut to name Atheist Rap, AK47 or The Boyonets the ones that i like) and of course bands from Novi Sad, Zagreb and Belgrade. Bronze are coming from the capital city of Serbia, Belgrade and their sound is a mix of hardcore and punk, energic and angry. The riffs and sounds of NYHC or BostonHC sound mixed with power and attitude for the fans of Sick Of It All, Agnostic Front, Madball, Terror and here i am just naming the “big names”. They have an EP from 2018 called Ticking Bomb and in 2019 another 4 tracks on Disease. In 2020, in March they have a new single called BLIND SERVANT!. The song is a protest against police (and not only) oppresion, talks about unity and protest. Also the band on all their materials has a strong anti-war, anti fascist message with lyrics talking about various social problems, that are typical for the countries in the Balkans. Sing along, raised fists and HC made with passion old school.


Check the band here: BANDCAMP / FACEBOOK


LYRICS Blind Servant

Bouncers are cracking a door, to take all that’s left.
Someone’s dignity taken away, means no shit today.
Who’s gonna save you, when your time is up?
When you will be standing alone, and praying for your own life.
Repression is out of control. Rich gets richer by taking from poor.

Blind servant of the regime, execute the crime.
Who’s gonna save you, when your time is up?
When you will be standing alone, and praying for your own life.
Stand against this misery and show the strength of your raised fist!
Who’s gonna save you when your time is up?

Stand against this misery and show the strength of your raised fist!


Thanks to Rajko and Bronze.

MPTY ZINE no. 46 out now

Oi you! It’s a pleasure to share with you our latest number. For this number we have:

Grados Nocivos (Mexico-streetpunk) – interview in spanish.

Promos with: Anti Flag / Out Of Bounds / Svetlanas / Cutthorat LA / Motina / All Worked Up / Oxymoron / Treason/ South Class Veterans / Kings Never Die / Foreign Legion / Harbour Rebels / The Magnetics / Concrete Elite  / Bull Brigade

Special thanks to Rene from Demons Run Amok, La Victory Store, Infeztado Records, Grados Nocivos, New Age Records and all of our friends all over. #seeyainthepit

You can read and download the number (right click and save as the pdf 14 MB)


Visit our page on Facebook for more news and promos for Romanian and Mexico DIY scene.

This fanzine is FREE and always will be, we are not making any profit from it, all the promos are FREE, the only “attention” that we have are some promo CD’s, t shirts or other goodies from labels and bands. The copyright for photos of the bands belong to their owners, we are using for promo only the materials.

This is a free time work, not my full time job. I love what i do so if you want to buy me a coffee for the hours that i have spend on the layout and on the promos you can donate on our PAY PAL. Hasta la proxima hermanos! Un abrazo a todos! Salud.




Demons Run Amok promo CD’s

Oi you! We are happy to share some bands from our friends at Demons Run Amok.

Svetlanas Disco Sucks cover

Svetlanas-Disco Sucks

Svetlanas formed originally in 2009 in Moscow but wow…is a long story how the band members become banned in their own country. After some line up changes the current one is: Olga, Diste, Steve and Nick. The band now is in Milan, Italy and this is their 5th material, out on Demons Run Amok, called DISCO SUCKS. The band sound is a mix of punk-rock and hardcore and this is valid as for the rest of albums, pure anger and packed with a lot of attitude. The album was produced and mixed by the band in their own SVETS Modular Collective also known as SVETS MC, their DIY studio inside Pinbowl Skatepark close to Milano, Italy. Check them out on their facebook HERE. Also check their video for their first single from the album Jump here:


MCD_9535 by Jerry Milton
Svetlanas photo by Jerry Milton used for promo


2.All I See Is Red
3.Don’t Do It
4.Pussification Of Punkrock
5.Spit On Your Mother’s Face
6.Karma Soldier
9.Tear Me Down
10.Never Sleep Again

COVER Digital

Cutthroat LA – Reflekt

Demons Run Amok presents the EP from Cutthroat LA out this year in January. This is Reflekt, a mix of old school hardcore with beatdown and hiphop elements, personal, politic, frustrations and religious chaos.The band shared the stage with names like: Agnostic Front, Evergreen Terrace, Billy Bio, Street Dogs, Gorilla Biscuits, H2O among many others. They formed in 2003 but all the band members come from different hc projects along the years and this brings all the good influences in one band. HC in your face old school! Also a first video from the album is for the song Trouble, check it here

From L.A. with anger, old school HC for the fine ears!

Circle Logo
Cutthroat LA logo
Cutthroat LA promo photo from Demons Run Amok


01. Trouble
02. Last Chance
03. Rat
04. Drown with Me
05. Never Settle


SCV CD 1440
South Class Veterans Hell To Pay – cover promo

South Class Veterans – Hell To Pay

The boys are coming back with Hell To Pay, out on Demons Run Amok. 10 tracks of Oi/streetpunk for the fans of Old Firm Casuals, This Means War, Anti Heroes, Warzone, The Take or any of the good oi/punk bands out there. They are coming from New Jersey, USA and formed in 2017, the band members all have played in various bands around the area and they are no strangers to Oi and Punk scene. Oi/punk with some hardcore influences straight in your face. You can check the band on Facebook HERE

Check their latest video for Lies:

South Class Veterans promo photo from Demons Run Amok



1. Squared Away (Teaneck99)
2. Read
3. The New Neighbors
4. Shortcomings
5. Repass
6. Tall Cans
7. For Hire
8. Those nights
9. Imposter
10. Cape May Street

Some other good stuff from Demons Run Amok here on their SHOP.

These are some bands that the label promoted and released along the time: 50 Lions, A Perfect Murder, Akani, Alcatraz, All For Nothing, Beat Down, Bleed Into One, Cold As Life, Dead Reprise, Do Or Die, Deliver, Grade 2, Hardside, Kingpin, Last Mile, Manifestation, Merauder, Old Firm Casuals, Raw Power, Samsara, Second Youth, Subzero, Take Offense, This Means War and many many more. Pure HC/PUNK! Thanks to Rene from DRA.

Punk in Romania a bit of “magic”

Oi you! I have been asked by a friend in Mexico to write something about the Punk scene in Romania. First of all I want to start with a disclaimer, maybe I am not the right person 100% to write it, but I will give it a try and a honest thought. Also before comment, critic me, read all the article and please I encourage you if you have more info share it. To write about Punk scene in Romania, please bare in mind that you cannot go on Google and do a research, (you will find some articles in English on Vice regarding the Craiova punk scene, DIY Conspiracy blog and some other personal blogs) everything that I am writing here is from my personal knowledge, I will share some info about all types of bands, from anarcho punk, pop-punk or ska-punk so please do not try to play smart and start again the old plays like “they are not punk” bla bla. I will not post links (most of the bands are not alive anymore-or the old myspace, blogspot links are not working), on some of my old hard drives I have some old photos with some of the bands, cd covers scanned and flyers so if you want them please drop me a line. I do apologize for my English writing and also for the grammar mistakes that may occur. Ok, grab a coffee and enjoy it!


Early years

After the collapse of Communism in 1989, many from our neighbor countries started to develop the DIY attitude and to start an underground movement. Countries like: Poland, Czech Republic, Serbia or Hungary had already few bands and fanzines, not Romania. And here I will not even speak about western Europe where the scene was really strong. For us the movement started with small steps. It is something “magical” happening here in Romania 😊

The first city that started to develop more was Timisoara (in the western part of Romania), here started the first Romanian punk band: Haos and in another city Craiova, was TerrorArt (postpunk). After TerrorArt broke up another band came in Craiova called: Critica Radicala (was a political band that had gypsy folk elements in their sound).

Other bands that were in the same time in both cities Timisoara and Craiova were: Guranii, Anti Pro, Radical din Val (Timisoara post punk) No Man’s Band.

In Bacau (on the East side of Romania) started in bands like Scandal (formed in 1997), Sictir and Manifest (with Oi! Influences). Also in cities like Brasov, Iasi,Sibiu and Cluj appeared bands like: Rabla, Pansament, Ura De Dupa Usa, Los Pogos, Praf n Ochi, Protex.

Started the first concerts and step by step the scene started to grow a bit.

Years (2000-2015)

I will mention here other bands from Bucharest (the capital city), where was ZOB, Los Embecilos, EMIL, Recycle Bin, Cobe, Pistol Cu Capse, Sport Sangeros 3 that they had various influences and a more modern sound. Also in Bucharest probably a Mecca of the clubs for the punks was Underworld Club that was opened by Gabi Molotov, after his return in Romania from NY (who is a member of Molotov Cocktail and The Dead Ceausescus bands) and they did a lot of good concerts with local bands and with bands from outside Romania. Also another support in Romania was Hefe and his Bring The Noise, that did some nice concerts with bands like: NOFX, La Plebe, Strike Anywhere etc etc. In my personal opinion the scene grew up significantly with the bands from Bucharest and Underworld Club. I remember that in those years were a lot of good concerts in Underworld and I was coming from my city, to listen some good music and to share a coffee with some good people. Also in the same years more or less 2004-2006 where a lot of small groups from different cities that we were “fighting” online that Bucharest bands are commercial or that “I am more punk than you”, at the end , in Romania we missed one thing: UNITY! But this is another story.

Let’s move on…so there were a lot of concerts and good people, I want to mention that in this time in Cluj and Bistrita appeared small collectives DIY like: BHCB, TBC and others that started to bring a lot of cool bands from punk, hardcore, crust to their cities and again the movement grew up. In Timisoara it was another great collective: Gluga Neagra aka Black Hood Society with Pavilionul 32, Tavi that was making some great shows (more into anarcho/punk) but they were a solid ground when it comes to DIY in Romania. Also in Timisoara were the clubs like INCA, Atelier DIY. Miscarea Underground (Underground Movement Timisoara-UGTM) was one of the oldest DIY collectives in Romania with members from Haos, Umbre Zidite or Arc Gotic. This festival was the first one in Romania and for more than 14 years was the center in DIY movement. In Brasov started Play Or Die booking that was promoting and bringing local acts like: Stared Into Forest or Coins As Portraits. Other bands from those years were: Nihilistic (Craiova), Tarabostes (Brasov), The Mohawks (Bacau), POV (Tg Mures), Stuck In A Rut (Cluj), The Barricade (Tg Mures,Cluj), Headphone Kicks, Ska Fara Trompete (Iasi), Mediocracy (Bucharest) among many many others (really sorry guys if I am missing some of you)…

There was the time for the fanzines as well. It started in the same cities Timisoara and Craiova with zines such as : Love Kills, Ura, Slogan, Revolta, Buletin DIY (all of them anarcho/punk). In Cluj it was another DIY anarcho zine: Leave Me Alone. There was Skinhead Times a OiZine from Brasov edited by Sorin, in Bucharest, Cezar started another OiZine, called No Bollox Just Oi!, and as well he did some nice concerts around that time.

Other support for the west side, in Timisoara was Casian and his booking 3 Ceasuri Rele (more into psychobilly, rockabilly and punk) he did some nice concerts and as well for a short period of time was a shop as well called Kool Cat.

Few words about my city Constanta, I am not aware what was happening in 1994-1995 but I do have some friends that they were around in that time…I know the first real hc and punk concert was around 2003 in Pheonix club with bands from Bulgaria. In 2005 I started to write few stuff about punk bands in the first zine from Constanta (extreme metal zine called Raport Extrem), along with Florian from Protest Urban (Metalcore band) and Cosmin. Later in 2005 I wanted to make something just more into punk, so was born MPTY ZINE (More Punk Than You Zine) so I started in the end of 2005 along with Alex (from the 1st punk band in Constanta called Coercion). The zine was not anarcho, was not political and for many people in that time was not even a zine, so even now after all these years still isn’t😊 it is just something that I like to do in my free time, is about sharing and promo bands that I like, simple as that, no politics, no religion, no bla bla , just PUNK ROCK! Get it? Aaa and around 2007-2008 I did had another small project called Behind The Scene-I was trying to promote some labels and people that were involved in the punk scene-there were 3 numbers out (I still have them if you want them, drop me a line).

Ok, we were gathering in few places in the city and we “formed” something like a nice crew called CST (CTHC) with people that were listening to punk, hardcore, hiphop, ska and a lot of other things that they were kind of new for a city like Constanta. Anyway regarding how it all started I have other friends that if they have time they can write more, hahaha. I was trying as well in 2009 to do something like a small label and booking called ECK (East Coast Kids) and we did manage to do bring some bands outside Romania, and that was something huge for Constanta. Bands like: Manifestation, Determination, La Ghenga Del Fil Di Ferro and local acts Coercion.

Clubs? Uhhh I think everything started around 1995 with Popular (where was the Rockoteca), after that changed the location many times but the most known were during the summer at Casa Ialomita and during winter in Brotacei and Nord. Here we did some punk nights as well. The club changed later to AK47 and later on Nord changed to Heaven’s Hell. There were other small clubs like: Subculture, Hang Out, Friends (we did the first Ska night there in 2010), Pulse (where we did 2 concerts), Club 13. Now after many years I don’t know if there are other clubs that promote punk. Anyway we grew up and we move on, with a lot of respect for the people that were involved along the years.

Present (at the time of writing this stuff)

I left Constanta so I do not know what is the situation now, however there are new acts all over the country like: Anexa Unu, Fuck You! Dracu, Cold Brats, Las Poftas, Magazinu 51, Bastos, Ropeburn, TBA and uhh could be more but I do not know all of them😊. All these bands have something punk in their style, I am not saying are 100% punk rock but hey this is better than nothing, in a country that like I said in the start is happening something “magical”. Ok…I am tired, I don’t know what else to say, just listen to music and enjoy it, at the end of the day everything is coming to this…be simple, be nice, always be yourself and work hard. Cha Cha!

MirceONE – mptyzine – March 2020.

Treason – sXe HC – True Believers EP

Treason promo photo high res
Treason band – promo photo

Oi you! You must check this band, straight from the streets of Cincinnati, Ohio with a blast in your ears: Treason. They are a sXe hardcore in your face band that presents their new material out in March 2020: True Believers. The band formed in 2017 but they have decades of experience behind, the members are coming up from bands like: Suffocate Faster, One Nation Under Blood, Blood Has Been Shed or Terror. And speaking of bands, their sound is raw, fast and agry for the fans of: Biohazard, Hatebreed, Madball, Gorilla Biscuits…so all good things from NYHC to WestCoast sound, packed in sXe attitude and positivity.
The band is signed with the hc label New Age Records (you need to check them as well for some heavy stuff), and this is their 2nd EP after No One Is Safe.
True Believers has 5 tracks of pure madness, heavy riffs and good for mosh! See ya in the pit!

Check the band on FB / BANDCAMP, also check NEW AGE RECORDS for some cool bands and merch.


1. True Believers
2. Please Believe
3. We Are Against
4. N.O.I.S.(E)
5. Balaclava

Treason -True Believers- cover high res

stay tunned for our new number coming up soon. Treason will be featured here. Thanks to Mike from New Age Records. Cheers.

Out Of Bounds – new single and UK video tour

Out Of Bounds cover single Enough

Out Of Bounds are back in 2020 with a new single titled Enough. They have as well the video filmed in their UK tour. We did write a bit about them in 2019 when they have released their EP Eat, Sleep & Greed. The single goes on the same path of punkrock made in the 90’s with a bit of hardcore that will remind you of Propaghandi, Pennywise or Strung Out. The danish trio already have the song up on Bandcamp and i will recommend you to visit them on FB or Bandcamp. In short words if you remember the old Offspring and NOFX albums, this is something for you. All their materials are released thru 5Feet Under in Denmark and Entes Anomicos in Germany. Melodic punk of the 90’s in your stereo.

UK tour video for Enough here:


Bull Brigade -Stronger Than Time EP

Bull Brigade

Oi you! As you know already i am a big fan of Italian punk, and it’s always a pleasure to share some news about my favorite bands. Now it is time for Bull Brigade. For those who don’t know them, i will tell you that as a band they formed in 2006 in Torino from the ashes of bands like: Banda Del Rione and Youngang. The line up changed a bit along the years with members from bands like: Gavroche, S Contro, Los Fastidios, Cervelli Stanki. Their first release come in 2008 “Strade Smarite” that soon become an icon album in the oi! scene. They have shared the stage in many festivals across Europe with bands like: Nabat, Brigada Flores Magon, Perkele, Non Servium, Stage Bottles, Toxpack, Cock Sparrer, Cockney Rejects and many more.
In 2016 is released “Vita Liberta” their second material with a bit more hardcore and attitude and a lot of festivals as well. Followed by many 7″ with bands like Non Servium and Knockout, Gonna Get Yours and Hawkins Thugs and also with Action Sedition.
The new EP will be out on March 27 on Demons Run Amok and it is their first material in English with 2 tracks: Stronger Than Time (the track that gives the title) and Circle In A Square.
This is a pure streepunk/oi with hardcore influences to the bone, honest and with attitude.


Band: Facebook / Bandcamp / Spotify / YouTube

Check their new video here:

Thanks to Eugy and Bull Brigade