The Roughneck Riot – Interview March 2022

Hey guys, here is a small interview with Roughneck Riot from UK, talk a bit about their new album Burn It To The Ground out now on Sbam Records, plans, influences and more.

Hi guys, how are you?

Hey MPTYZINE! We’re doing great, thanks. We’re currently recovering from a weekend of hometown shows! It’s been a while. 

Congrats for the new album, Burn It To The Ground. How did come out, tell me the story.

Burn It To The Ground is our 4th studio album and it has been in the works for almost 8 years. We started writing new songs after our last release in 2014, but, due to a brief hiatus in 2019 and then the global pandemic, it’s been pushed back a lot. We even recorded the whole album back in 2018, but we thought we could make the songs better. So we put that on hold, rewrote some old songs, wrote some new ones and went back into the studio in 2020. We are super happy with how it has turned out, and the reception we have had so far is brilliant. 

3. How are things with Sbam Records? they have a lot of cool bands

Yes, SBÄM have been excellent and they are adding brilliant bands to their roster almost every week so it’s great to be a part of it. We’ve been aware of SBÄM for a long time; Stefan even designed one of our tour posters back in 2014.4. Tell me a short history of the band

We started in 2005 playing Rancid covers and some originals that were very ‘street’ punk. We matured a little bit, dropped the Rancid covers, strengthened the line-up and then added the folk instrumentation; the sound then grew bigger and better, now here we are 17 years later!

What are your main influences, i know that is folk and punk but is more than that, tell me about your crazy mix, that os awseome

The main influence on our lyrics is a fervent distaste for our corrupt government, of injustices and crises at home and round the world, and, over the last few years, introspection. As for our music style, we all grew up listening to punk music, then through a phase of listening to folk punk, and then just folk in general. We all try to influence the songwriting with our own personal tastes, too. Individually, we enjoy pop-punk, folk, punk-rock, and this is evident through the songs on Burn It To The Ground. 

Talking about influences, make me a top10 of your favorite artists/bands

We all have different tastes, especially now we’re in our 30s, but our communal top 10 would probably look something like this:

Bad Religion, Against Me!, Joe Strummer and the Mescaleros, NOFX, Crazy Arm, Descendents, Green Day, Hot Water Music, Tom Waits, Dick Gaughan. 

If there is an oportunity for a split ep with a dream band that you want to play, what band/artist will be?

It’d be great to do a split with a band who no longer write music like The Clash or The Pogues. We have talked a lot about doing a split with our very good friends who play in a ska-punk band in the UK called Faintest Idea. That’d be a great mix. 

How were the things for you in the crazy pandemy?

Things were very quiet for a while: no gigs, no practise, no fun! But, as the restrictions were lifted, we managed to get into the studio for around 35 days over 3 to 4 months and record and produce the new album which was great. 

Now that we are getting slowly back to “normal” what are the plans? touring maybe?

Yes, we have a 9-date tour in France in March, we play some festivals over the summer, like SBÄM Festival, and then another tour through Germany in August. We also have some shows around the UK, too. There’s a lot of catching up to do.

Where people can find you online to listen and buy your music? 

The new (and old) albums are all available on streaming sites such as iMusic, YouTube and Spotify. You can also buy the new album from SBÄM Records! 

For our few readers online, please spread some nice words

It’s hard to find nice words when the whole world is going to shit, but stay sane, surround yourself with good people, the sun will shine again.  

Thanks for your time and if you have something else to add please do it

We’d love to come out to Romania soon! So, please get in touch at to book some shows! 

MirceONE vs. Roughneck Riot March 2022

Thanks to Nick and band.

Abanglupa – Of Rats and Swine promo

Hey guys, I have a nice promo for this week. I want to talk about Abanglupa, a hardcore/punk band from Pateros, Philippines. I discover the band thanks to Nal and I did listen to their Bandcamp and I got surprised. I have many friends from the Philippines (back when I was working on ships), but never heard any hardcore or punk band from there….so yes the guys sounds really pissed of, their name you can translate as: Oppressed Land ( well as I learn from my friends in Philippines the country had a really interesting history, being dominated between US and Spanish Empire…but that’s anther story). Their debut album is called Of Rats And Swine and has 10 tracks, really fast and full of anger, I think the longest track has 1:33 and the rest more or less 1 minute…so yes speed, anger and mosh…ingredients for a hardcore/punk band. The band self produced this material and it has an amazing artwork as well. The message of the band is a protest against the government of Rodrigo Duterte and the lyrics are in English with the exception of: Lansagin and the last song Abanglupa. I just included them as a hardcore/punk but they have different influences from crust, metal up to grind. This material goes nice as a soundtrack for all the war, rage and tensions that are all over the world. Also you can find the album on the labels below: 

Lower Class Kids Records (Weimar, Germany)

Ugly and Proud Records (Sofia, Bulgaria)

Nuclear Family Records (South Wales, UK)

Audacious Madness Records (Pittsburg, PA, USA)

Bent Window Records (Vancouver, B.C)

Esagoya Records (Tokyo, Japan)


  1. Misery Chambers
  2. Forced Dementia
  3. Of Rats and Swine
  4. Erase
  5. Ignorance is Order
  6. Lansagin
  7. Desolation Machine
  8. Blood Owed
  9. Decorated Vultures
  10. Abanglupa

MPTY ZINE no. 52 free pdf

Hey guys, here is our new promo number that you can download for free in .pdf. I was really busy and didn’t had much time to make it, however you can find some free promos from bands like: Millencolin, No Fun At All, ToyDolls, Comeback Kid, Russkaja, The Offspring (a personal history), Ultra Bomb, Klasse Kriminale, Buster Shuffle and Kaos Urbano. Now the concerts will start, so hopefully i will return in summer with new stuff, until then check these bands, be nice and stay safe. Always buy music directly from the band or label, go to concerts and buy their merch, try to support how you can all the nice people involved.

I am doing this for fun and is not my job, this is a free fanzine that you can print it and distribute, however if you want to buy me a coffee for the work you can use PayPal HERE

Until next time.

MirceONE – Guadalajara, Mexico February 2022

Read, download and print the new number HERE (right click/save as)

MPTY ZINE no.51 promo number. Last one in 2021.

Oi you! Here is the latest number from our zine. This is a really short one, no interviews and not so many things, i just did a few promos and that’s it. I was really busy and must say i miss the concerts, but let’s hope for the best for a better 2022.

I know it will be a better one, and i hope for the best for everybody. Just stay simple and stay close to your friends and family, this is the best that you can do. Hope also for a nice and simple Christmas, try not to spend a lot, and to remember that small things can make a huge difference, just try to donate some clothing to persons in need, and please please do not buy a puppy and give as a present, try to adopt one. Be nice to each other and thanks for a nice 2021.

This zine is a free pdf for everybody but if you enjoy it and you want to buy me a coffee here is the address: Have a good time and hopefuly we will read eachother soon. 

MirceONE – December 2021 – Guadalajara, Mexico

Interviu Los Pogos – Sept. 2021

Hai salut, eu sunt MirceONE si azi revenim cu un interviu in romana. Stiu ca am tot facut in ultimul timp interviuri in spaniola cu cateva trupe din Mexic si Spania, insa azi ma intorc in Romania. Sunt un pic nostalgic pentru ca desi personal cred ca ne-am intalnit odata in Timisoara, Los Pogos mereu mi-au placut si alaturi de Scandal si Recycle Bin i-am considerat prieteni. Am vorbit un pic cu Zsolt chiar inainte de concertul lor aniversar si asta e ce a iesit. PS. interviul este originar, din suflet si sper sa nu ma criticati si sa fiti nazi grammar pentru ceva greseli. Mergeti la concerte cand se poate (eventual platiti si intrarea), luati un cd, un tricou si keep it simple, always. Cheers.

1. Salut Zsolt, care e treaba?

– Salut! Totul e bine, mananc tortilla chips cu sos, si rspund la intrebari si ma gandesc la treburile de azi si la concertul de maine. :)) Ciudat, dar prima oara vom canta la Zalau, desi e aproape si de Cluj (unde am infintat trupa) si de Satu Mare, unde m-am nascut si traiesc acum.

2. Stiu ca Los Pogos a intrat in business, da-mi noutati.

– Foarte ciudat… Defapt nu ne-am desfintat niciodata, doar ca dupa ce m-am mutat de la Cluj in 2009, iar fostii membrii s-au mutat acasa la ei, nu prea mai aveam timp si ocazii de repetitii si de concerte. Era mare distanta, cu toti am avut de lucru, nu mai era usor sa ne intalnim. Tineam legatura, mai vorbeam la telefon, ne era dor unul de altul, sa ne intalnim, sa povestim, sa chefuim, dar nu aveam timp, totul schimbat. N-am facut piese noi, pe langa ca aveam multe idei. Concerte mai tineam din cand in cand, iar dupa un timp am inceput sa ma gandesc sa ne luam ramas bun de la public. Am avut mai multe concerte la care asa mergeam initial, ca la sfarsitul ultimei piese o sa fac anuntul, ca atat a fost, asta a fost ultimul nostru concert. Dar mereu iesea asa de bine concertul, ca n-am putut renunta la partea asta a vietii mele. Nu ma consider mare artist, dar ceea ce fac o fac din suflet si e o parte a sufletului meu la care degeaba as incerca sa renunt, nu as putea. Cand ai inceput sa canti, cand ai avut concerte, clipe faine, sau chiar si rele din cauza nazistilor etc. etc. nu poti sa spui, ca atat a fost. Defapt poti, dar mereu o sa simti o lipsa in suflet. Din fericire noi in sfarsit ne-am trezit din vis si vrem sa fim din nou galagiosi. :))

3. Pentru cei care nu va stiu spune-mi cateva cuvinte despre trupa.

– In 2002 am infintat trupa la Cluj cu Levi, Mishu Mic si Misu Mare. La inceput chiar nu stiam sa cantam (cel putin eu nu prea). Am pus anunturi in puburi, caut membrii pentru trupa punk, nu conteaza daca nu sti sa canti, ideea e sa vrei. Atunci aveam 21 de ani si eram plin de energie, vroiam sa schimb lumea, vroiam sa fac ceea ce doresc eu cel mai mult inca din copilarie, adica sa cant. Din fericire cu ceilalti tare bine ne-am inteles, aveam cam aceleasi ideologii, ascultam muzica asemanatoare si ne placea sa fim impreuna. Normal, aveam si mari certuri din cand in cand, dar asa ulterior pot spune ca in general ne iubeam in sensul bun al cuvantului, si cam zilnic ne vedeam. :))

Dupa infintare foarte repede ne-am apucat de concerte. Mai tin minte de primul nostru concert. Era in pubul Zo-Ro din Cluj, intrarea costa o bere si era plin de oameni. Deja la prima piesa iesea un pogo foarte mare. Ziarele scriau de fenomenul ca la Cluj a aparut miscarea punk. :))

Foarte multe concerte am avut in tara si in starinatate, intre timp am mai schimbat si membrii, mai ales tobosari. De la Cluj era mai usor sa mergi la concerte fie la Bucuresti, Iasi, Timisoara, Satu Mare, sau in strainatate. Era cam in centrul Romaniei si noi oricum n-am avut altceva de facut. :)) Adica aveam, ca ori eram la facultate, ori lucram, dar cumva totul era foarte simplu: cantatul era partea a vietii noastre si atat. Nu se punea problema ca nu vrem, nu avem timp etc. etc. Rezolvam.

Asta e trecutul, iar prezentul e ca cu doi ani in urma am avut un concert la Cluj, unde veneau si cativa baieti, care dupa varsta lor puteau sa fie copilul meu. :)) Aveau tricouri Los Pogos facut de ei si ma intrebau daca nu ma supar, ca ei au facut si nu e ceva original. Tare m-a incantat faza asta, in acelas timp m-am si socat un pic dandu-mi seama, ca sa nascut o generatie noua de cand noi nu prea mai ne ocupam de piese noi, de cantat etc. Am decis ca trebuie luat din nou in serios, nu vreau sa ma trezesc la batranete, ca a trecut timpul fara sa cant.

La acest concert a cantat prima oara cu noi la chitara Lóri, un prieten bun din Satu Mare. Dupa concert ne-am certat mult si dur cu chitaristul Robi pe tema de prezentul si viitorul trupei (nu vreau sa intru in detalii), dupa ce ne-am hotarat cu Lóri, ca mai bine gasim membrii noi din Satu Mare si facem cum vrem noi. Am cautat si tobosar, findca nici cu Wattie nu prea mai puteam continua, el locuind la Targu Mures.

4. Cum a fost cu pandemia pentru trupa?

– In timpul pandemiei am reusit sa-l gasim pe tobosarul Csabi si pe chitaristul Tomi. Din pacate Csabi a plecat din tara spunand, ca nu are de ales, nu-si gaseste job, din care sa poate plati chiria, si sa aiba o viata normala. Din fericire l-am gasit pe Edi, cu care am avut deja un concert si maine o sa avem al doilea. Ne simtim bine impreuna, scriem piese noi, am facut si un videoclip in timpul pandemiei, deci totul merge bine. Ne mai certam din cand in cand cu Lóri, dar asa e relatia noastra. :))

Los Pogos 2021

5. Acum ca incet incet ne miscam, ce planuri aveti, stiu de un concert, stiu ca la fel lucrati la ceva nou 

– Anul trecut am vrut sa facem o mare sarbatoare, unde sa vina sa canta toti fosti membrii Los Pogos, adica cu cine am reusit sa iau legatura. Implineam 18 ani de la infintare. Din cauza andemiei n-am reusit, asa ca anul acesta incercam sa luam revans. 

Maine avem un concert la Zalau si sunt inca doua concerte concrete in plan dar sa vedem, cum va fi cu pandemia. Cand nu o sa mai putem concerta, o sa facem piesele noi. Am o gramada de idei, dar si ceilalti vin cu ideile lor. Planuim un nou album.

6. Cum era prin anii 2000 si cum e acum? ce diferente vezi, imi aduc aminte de concertele de prin Bucuresti, Timisoara, Craiova…erau ceva trupe bune, acum cum vezi lucrurile?

– Sincer e o diferenta enorma. Atunci cantam peste tot, ne chemau si din localitati despre care pana atuncea nici nu auzeam, si noi mergeam cu mare placere oriunde. O data au trimis un taximetrist dupa noi din Moldova Noua pana la Cluj, sa ajungem la concert, fiindca Mishu Mic avea examen la facultate si nu prindeam trenul. Mult am cantat la Timisoara, dar si la Bucuresti si in restul tarii. Cum am mai spus si in Ungaria am avut concerte, turnee, dar am ajuns si in Viena si in Slovacia. Concerte dupa concerte.

Acum e mai greu… cu toti avem mai multe lucruri de facut, eu am si familie, doi copii mici, deci e mai greu de gasit zile libere sa calatorim o zi pana la locul concertului si in a doua zi sa calatorim din nou. Am si un job mai special, este cand nu lucrez mai mute zile, deci nu vin bani, este cand intr-o saptamana am atata de lucrat in cat ies banii pe o luna. Deci e mai greu de planuit, fiindca poate in cele 2 zile cand ma duc la cantat familia din cauza mea pierde bani de un sfert de luna. Dar nu vreau sa intru in mare discutii despre bani, nu asta era ideea, ci ca e mai greu din multe motive. Si atunci n-am vorbit inca despre faza cea mai grava, adica ca multe locatii unde am cantat nu mai exista. Organizatorii cu care tineam legatura nu mai organizeaza etc. etc. E greu de gasit locuri pentru concerte.

Dar sincer niciuna din problemele enumerate nu o sa ne impiedice sa cantam. Vrem si o sa facem sa fie bine

7. Fa-mi te rog un top10 cu trupele tale preferate

Din cand in cand mi se schimb, dar cam astea sunt cele stabile pentru mine:

– 1. Prosectura (din Ungaria)

2. Exploited

3. Clash

4. The Jam

5. Rancid

6. 4Skins

7. Ramones

8. Adicts

9. Üveges Csirkeszemek (Ungaria)

10. Casualties

8. Ce faci in timpul liber si ce faci in viata de zi cu zi?

– Din pacate nu prea am timp liber, mereu fac ceva. Cu nevasta mea suntem corespondenti tv pentru mai multe posturi de tv, eu cameraman si din cand in cand reporter. Lucram din trei judete, deci de obicei sunt pe drum. Stam la bloc, dar avem un teren de 10 ari, ii spun oaz. Am o gramada de plante exotice, bananieri, plamieri, colocaz etc. etc., deci cum termin cu lucru, ma grabesc sa tund iarba sa le stropesc plantele, fiindca in fiecare zi trebuie sa le ud, ceea ce dureaza zilnic cam 2 ore. :)) Pe bune. Nu suna “prea punk”, dar asta-mi place, ce sa fac? :)) Intre timp incerc sa fiu si cu fetitele mele, care-s cele mai bune lucruri din viata mea. Si apoi mai avem si repetitii cu Los Pogos.

9. Spune-mi cateva din influentele Los Pogos?

– Sincer nu prea pot spune cine sau ce ne influenteaza. Si nu de aceea ca-s foarte increzut si cred ca am facut ceva foarte interesant si unic (fiindca numele meu de familie in limba romana inseamna Unic :)) ), ci pentru ca nu mi se pare ca piesele noastre seamana cu piesele trupei xy. Dar sunt sigur ca trupele noatre preferate cumva totusi ne-au influentat. Daca altfel nu, macar cu spiritul. Mai de mult, in vremea cand canta in trupa si Mishu si mergeam la repetitii cu idei noi de piese, il intrebam din cand in cand, daca oare e piesa mea, sau am auzit de la careva trupa si am preluat, fara sa imi dau seama. :)) Dar de obicei erau ideile mele.

Pe mine personal viata m-a influentat in trecut, cum se aud si piesele, textele mele. Atitudine, dar si chefuitul in plus fetele. :)) Timp de 19 ani de cand exista Los Pogos, mult sa schimbat. Ideile de piese imi vin destul de usor, dar cu textele am probleme. Nu prea mai imi vine sa scriu texte haioase, pe langa ca cred ca sunt destul de imatur pentru asta. :)) Nu vreau sa scriu nici texte care nu ma reprezinta, dar suna bine. Nu stiu daca ati observat, dar in muzica punk, oi exista cateva cuvinte “magice” pe care unele trupe le folosesc foarte des, iar mie imi e deja greata. Cuvintele ca enemy, my way, fight, togheter, resist etc. etc. Nu mai suport sa le ascult, pentru ca stiu, ca este fake. Si noi avem cateva piese care nu ne mai reprezinta din diferite motive si din aceasta cauza de ani de zile nu mai vreau sa le cant, degeaba cere publicul la concert si chiar si unii din trupa. Am scris o piesa mai dura, cu titlul Victim of society. Simt ca nu e chiar “feelingul” ala de Los Pogos, e cu mult mai dura, insa m-a influentat viata. M-am saturat ca si multi altii de felul acesta de viata, ca lucrezi ca un animal si pe urma sa primesti doi bani. N-ai viata de familie, n-ai timp de nimic, nu poti sa ai un hobby, n-ai siguranta, dar macar proprietarii fabricilor traiesc bine si te asteapta sa mergi la lucru 7/7 24/24. Piesa Rock n’ Roll tot e true si tot viata m-a influentat cand am scris. Cand esti copil mic nu vrei sa mergi la gradinita, scoala, vrei doar sa te joci, iar dupa aia nu vrei sa lucrezi, dar trebuie, ca vrei sa te muti de la parinti, iar dupa aia urmeaza munca eterna.

Mai avem o piese noua cu titlul No more, la care textul nu e terminat, dar cred ca asa o sa ramana. :)) Despre relatii…

Iar piesa We got a lot e mai nostalgica dar si de fun. Am primit lucruri bune de la viata, ca berea, fete/baieti si trupa. :))

Deci viata e cea mai mare influentatorare pentru noi.

Nu stiu, ce dracu o sa mai facem cu restul pieselor care nu au inca text. :))

10. Care a fost primul concert la care ai fost?

– Uuuuu… buna intrebare. Habar nu am, dar sigur in 90 si ceva la Satu Mare. Poate un Moby Dick, sau Edda din Ungaria. In vremea aia se tineau multe concerte rock la noi, iar eu umblam inca de cand eram in scoala generala, intre clasele I-IV. Fain era, dar de mult nu se mai face mai nimic pe la noi. Dar cred ca peste tot asa este.

11. Care a fost cel mai misto concert pe care l-ai vazut?

– Sunt mai multe. Normal, ca concertele cu trupele mele preferate erau foarte faine, dar amintesc de un concert Pannonia Allstars Ska Orchestra din Budapesta, la care asa de buna era sonorizarea, ca m-a socat. Suna ca de pe un Cd.

Am reusit sa ajung si la C.B.G.B in New York in 2005. Se tinea un festival punk/oi, canta si Casualties. Bestial era.

Concertele Exploited, Adicts (ei chiar fac un show extraordinar), Casualties. Cu cativa ani in urma am fost la un cocert Agnostic Front, Walls of Jehrico, Suicidal Tendencies etc. etc. si ala a fost foarte fain. Madball la Cluj. Si trebuie sa marturisesc, ca cu cativa ani in urma m-am dus la un concert Guns N’ Roses, pe care nu am mai ascultat de cand am terminat scoala generala. Insa m-am gandit ca este o trupa pe care o data in viata ar merita sa o vad. Si chiar suna foarte bine. Am fost la multe concerte si foarte multe mi-au placut, nu vreau sa le enumar, dar in felul lor la mai multe pot sa spun ca era cel mai misto din punctul asta sau aia de vedere.

Scuze, totusi trebuie sa mai mentionez, ca la inceputul anilor 2000 primul festival Undergrond Timisoara la care am fost  mi-a placut mult.

12. Cu ce trupa visezi sa faceti un SPLIT CD?

 :)) Sincer nu prea am astfel de ganduri. In anii 2000 inca ma facea extrem de fericit sa pot canta pe o scena cu Rancid, dar deja n-am astfel de vise, sau sa facem un cd cu ceva trupa. Poate sunt mai realistic, cine stie. :)) Oricum pentru mine “dumnezeul” punkului este Wattie, deci cred ca un Exploited/Los Pogos n-ar fi rau. :)) 

Iar dintre trupele mele preferate maghiare Prosectura e cel care a fost si a ramas preferata mea.

13. Viitorul suna bine….unde e trupa in 10 ani?

– Eu cred ca tot o sa cantam. Dar cum am mai spus, sunt realistic.

Sunt multe trupe care erau foarte mari si pentru mine tot asa au ramas, dar nu prea mai au concerte, sau nu mai sunt asa de recunoscute. Daca totul merge bine, o sa pornim sa cantam din nou nu numai in tara, dar si in strainatate, asa ca cred ca o sa avem din nou multe concerte.

14. Ce mai facem sa mai salvam asa scena din Romania?

– Uite, eu ma ocup de piese la Los Pogos si incerc sa avem timp si ocazie de concerte, cineva sa salveze si scena punk din Romania. :)) Dar hai sa punem la o parte gluma. Mereu se zicea, ca punkul e mort, dar n-a murit. In 2002 am aparut la Cluj, am avut o gramada de concerte, personal am si organizat foarte multe concerte, dupa care am decis sa nu ma mai ocup cu organizare au organizat altii. Cred ca mereu sunt, sau cel putin ar trebui sa fie oameni care sa se implice.

Foarte sincer vorbind, cred ca la ora actuala e foarte greu, cel putin pentru oameni cum suntem si noi, mai in varsta, cu familie, cu joburi ciudate, cand n-ai timp de nimic, dar sunt alti, mai tineri, care pot sa se implice. Eu sper ca dupa un timp iar o sa am si eu ocazia sa organizez, sau sa ajut sa organizam concerte, dar deocamdata fac ceea ce pot. Multe trupe s-au desfintat, multe trupe prietene de care tare mult imi pare de rau si discutand cu fostii membrii stiu ca si ei viseaza sa mai cante odata. Ciudat sa vorbesc despre noi si despre ei, parca am fi ceva dinosauri al punkului din Romania. Ma simt acelas baiat de 20-25 de ani care am fost, degeaba a trecut vremea, tot tiner am ramas, doar putin mai gras si poate cu mai putina rabdare. Asta e ceea ce simt, in schimb ceea ce vad e ca suntt tineri, care intr-un fel sau altul se implica. Cea mai buna pilda este Tomi, chitaristul nostru. Are 19 ani si ne simtim bine cu el.

15. Unde va gaseste lumea pe net? unde va poate asculta online?

– Buna intrebare. Putem spune ca eu sunt sufletul Los Pogos, eu sunt singurul care cant inca din 2002, dar din pacate in ultimii 10 ani nu prea m-am ocupat de publicitate, de Facebook, Youtube etc. etc. Anul acesta am inceput sa incarc pe Facebook poze de la concertele facuta inca din anii 2002. Canalul youtube tot nu e foarte “proaspat”. Ne mai certam cu ceilalti din cand in cand daca are rost sau nu sa uploadez trecutul trupei pe internet, dar cred ca nu strica. Oricum in perioada asta nu prea e nimic de incarcat pe sieturi, nu prea se tin concerte, asa ca…

Dar sper ca la anul totul se va schimba, o sa putem tine muuuulte concerte, o sa facem poze, inregistrari video etc. etc. 

Pe Facebook ne gasiti aici:

V-as si ruga sa dati un follov, sau like, ca sa primiti noutatile despre trupa. 

Pe youtube aici ne puteti urmari:

Iar pe bandcamp:

16. Mersi de timp si iti las ultimul cuvant.

Ce sa va mai spun? :)) Am scris multe si as mai putea, dar alta data. Deocamdata atata, ca haideti la concerte, urmariti-ne pe Face si Youtube, fiindca avem de gand sa scoatem albumul “Dinosaurs don’t want to die!” 

MirceONE vs Zsolt – Sept. 2021

KRAV BOCA – Barrikade 2021 promo

Krav Boca – promo photo

Hey guys, MirceONE here. I have something for you, this is something sick from Rebel Times Records. Here it is KRAV BOCA and their latest release from 2021: Barrikade. Well…the band is not new and they have already released “Sanatorium” (2015), “Canette à la Mer” (2017), “Marée Noire” (2019) and “City Hackers” (2020). Let me tell you about them, they play a mix of RAP and PUNK, yes you heard it well, is Keny Arkana meets any punk band. It is a mix of French, Greek, Moroccan members that mix political rap with punk and hardcore and metal elements in a explosive way. Beside the rapping you can hear drums, bass, guitars and mandolines. The album was released by a collective of labels from Canada, Mexico, Poland, Italy, Greece, Germany and the UK: Boca Records, Guerilla Asso, Maloka, Fire and Flames, AIM, Dure Réalité, Guerilla Vinyl, Keponteam, Santa Diabla, DIY Kolo Records, Urgence Disk, Rumagna Sgroza, Rebel Times Records, Kale Borroka Records, Machete Records, Deviance, Up the Punx, Punk’n’Loud, Anfibio Records, Missing the Point and Subversive Ways. They have a lot of featurings on the album and one that i was waiting is with Brigada Flores Magon on the track: Ultra. Now this is something to look for and listen loud, START THE RIOT!!! Check the band on Bandcamp and on their website, thanks to Randy from Rebel Time Records.

Krav Boca – Barrikade cover 2021


  1. Intro 02:16
  2. Vertigo Ft. Sponty 03:11
  3. Fumigène 02:51
  4. Brasero 03:12
  5. Barrikade Ft. Sara 03:03
  6. Ceinture Ft. Skalpel, HPS 03:35
  7. Interlude 01:54
  8. Synora Ft. A. Atak Tos 04:15
  9. Tercian 03:48
  10. K.T.C Ft. Call The Cops 03:05
  11. Ultra Ft. Brigada Flores Magon 02:50
  12. L’Etat Assassine 03:09
  13. O.V.V.T.C 03:36

Punk in Romania a bit of “magic”

Oi you! I have been asked by a friend in Mexico to write something about the Punk scene in Romania. First of all I want to start with a disclaimer, maybe I am not the right person 100% to write it, but I will give it a try and a honest thought. Also before comment, critic me, read all the article and please I encourage you if you have more info share it. To write about Punk scene in Romania, please bare in mind that you cannot go on Google and do a research, (you will find some articles in English on Vice regarding the Craiova punk scene, DIY Conspiracy blog and some other personal blogs) everything that I am writing here is from my personal knowledge, I will share some info about all types of bands, from anarcho punk, pop-punk or ska-punk so please do not try to play smart and start again the old plays like “they are not punk” bla bla. I will not post links (most of the bands are not alive anymore-or the old myspace, blogspot links are not working), on some of my old hard drives I have some old photos with some of the bands, cd covers scanned and flyers so if you want them please drop me a line. I do apologize for my English writing and also for the grammar mistakes that may occur. Ok, grab a coffee and enjoy it!


Early years

After the collapse of Communism in 1989, many from our neighbor countries started to develop the DIY attitude and to start an underground movement. Countries like: Poland, Czech Republic, Serbia or Hungary had already few bands and fanzines, not Romania. And here I will not even speak about western Europe where the scene was really strong. For us the movement started with small steps. It is something “magical” happening here in Romania 😊

The first city that started to develop more was Timisoara (in the western part of Romania), here started the first Romanian punk band: Haos and in another city Craiova, was TerrorArt (postpunk). After TerrorArt broke up another band came in Craiova called: Critica Radicala (was a political band that had gypsy folk elements in their sound).

Other bands that were in the same time in both cities Timisoara and Craiova were: Guranii, Anti Pro, Radical din Val (Timisoara post punk) No Man’s Band.

In Bacau (on the East side of Romania) started in bands like Scandal (formed in 1997), Sictir and Manifest (with Oi! Influences). Also in cities like Brasov, Iasi,Sibiu and Cluj appeared bands like: Rabla, Pansament, Ura De Dupa Usa, Los Pogos, Praf n Ochi, Protex.

Started the first concerts and step by step the scene started to grow a bit.

Years (2000-2015)

I will mention here other bands from Bucharest (the capital city), where was ZOB, Los Embecilos, EMIL, Recycle Bin, Cobe, Pistol Cu Capse, Sport Sangeros 3 that they had various influences and a more modern sound. Also in Bucharest probably a Mecca of the clubs for the punks was Underworld Club that was opened by Gabi Molotov, after his return in Romania from NY (who is a member of Molotov Cocktail and The Dead Ceausescus bands) and they did a lot of good concerts with local bands and with bands from outside Romania. Also another support in Romania was Hefe and his Bring The Noise, that did some nice concerts with bands like: NOFX, La Plebe, Strike Anywhere etc etc. In my personal opinion the scene grew up significantly with the bands from Bucharest and Underworld Club. I remember that in those years were a lot of good concerts in Underworld and I was coming from my city, to listen some good music and to share a coffee with some good people. Also in the same years more or less 2004-2006 where a lot of small groups from different cities that we were “fighting” online that Bucharest bands are commercial or that “I am more punk than you”, at the end , in Romania we missed one thing: UNITY! But this is another story.

Let’s move on…so there were a lot of concerts and good people, I want to mention that in this time in Cluj and Bistrita appeared small collectives DIY like: BHCB, TBC and others that started to bring a lot of cool bands from punk, hardcore, crust to their cities and again the movement grew up. In Timisoara it was another great collective: Gluga Neagra aka Black Hood Society with Pavilionul 32, Tavi that was making some great shows (more into anarcho/punk) but they were a solid ground when it comes to DIY in Romania. Also in Timisoara were the clubs like INCA, Atelier DIY. Miscarea Underground (Underground Movement Timisoara-UGTM) was one of the oldest DIY collectives in Romania with members from Haos, Umbre Zidite or Arc Gotic. This festival was the first one in Romania and for more than 14 years was the center in DIY movement. In Brasov started Play Or Die booking that was promoting and bringing local acts like: Stared Into Forest or Coins As Portraits. Other bands from those years were: Nihilistic (Craiova), Tarabostes (Brasov), The Mohawks (Bacau), POV (Tg Mures), Stuck In A Rut (Cluj), The Barricade (Tg Mures,Cluj), Headphone Kicks, Ska Fara Trompete (Iasi), Mediocracy (Bucharest) among many many others (really sorry guys if I am missing some of you)…

There was the time for the fanzines as well. It started in the same cities Timisoara and Craiova with zines such as : Love Kills, Ura, Slogan, Revolta, Buletin DIY (all of them anarcho/punk). In Cluj it was another DIY anarcho zine: Leave Me Alone. There was Skinhead Times a OiZine from Brasov edited by Sorin, in Bucharest, Cezar started another OiZine, called No Bollox Just Oi!, and as well he did some nice concerts around that time.

Other support for the west side, in Timisoara was Casian and his booking 3 Ceasuri Rele (more into psychobilly, rockabilly and punk) he did some nice concerts and as well for a short period of time was a shop as well called Kool Cat.

Few words about my city Constanta, I am not aware what was happening in 1994-1995 but I do have some friends that they were around in that time…I know the first real hc and punk concert was around 2003 in Pheonix club with bands from Bulgaria. In 2005 I started to write few stuff about punk bands in the first zine from Constanta (extreme metal zine called Raport Extrem), along with Florian from Protest Urban (Metalcore band) and Cosmin. Later in 2005 I wanted to make something just more into punk, so was born MPTY ZINE (More Punk Than You Zine) so I started in the end of 2005 along with Alex (from the 1st punk band in Constanta called Coercion). The zine was not anarcho, was not political and for many people in that time was not even a zine, so even now after all these years still isn’t😊 it is just something that I like to do in my free time, is about sharing and promo bands that I like, simple as that, no politics, no religion, no bla bla , just PUNK ROCK! Get it? Aaa and around 2007-2008 I did had another small project called Behind The Scene-I was trying to promote some labels and people that were involved in the punk scene-there were 3 numbers out (I still have them if you want them, drop me a line).

Ok, we were gathering in few places in the city and we “formed” something like a nice crew called CST (CTHC) with people that were listening to punk, hardcore, hiphop, ska and a lot of other things that they were kind of new for a city like Constanta. Anyway regarding how it all started I have other friends that if they have time they can write more, hahaha. I was trying as well in 2009 to do something like a small label and booking called ECK (East Coast Kids) and we did manage to do bring some bands outside Romania, and that was something huge for Constanta. Bands like: Manifestation, Determination, La Ghenga Del Fil Di Ferro and local acts Coercion.

Clubs? Uhhh I think everything started around 1995 with Popular (where was the Rockoteca), after that changed the location many times but the most known were during the summer at Casa Ialomita and during winter in Brotacei and Nord. Here we did some punk nights as well. The club changed later to AK47 and later on Nord changed to Heaven’s Hell. There were other small clubs like: Subculture, Hang Out, Friends (we did the first Ska night there in 2010), Pulse (where we did 2 concerts), Club 13. Now after many years I don’t know if there are other clubs that promote punk. Anyway we grew up and we move on, with a lot of respect for the people that were involved along the years.

Present (at the time of writing this stuff)

I left Constanta so I do not know what is the situation now, however there are new acts all over the country like: Anexa Unu, Fuck You! Dracu, Cold Brats, Las Poftas, Magazinu 51, Bastos, Ropeburn, TBA and uhh could be more but I do not know all of them😊. All these bands have something punk in their style, I am not saying are 100% punk rock but hey this is better than nothing, in a country that like I said in the start is happening something “magical”. Ok…I am tired, I don’t know what else to say, just listen to music and enjoy it, at the end of the day everything is coming to this…be simple, be nice, always be yourself and work hard. Cha Cha!

MirceONE – mptyzine – March 2020.

Black Skull Radio-interview in Spanish.


This is our first interview in Spanish with Erick (drummer) from Black Skull Radio (punk rock from Mexico City). You can read the interview also in our new number 43 coming up soon. Stay rude,stay rebel!


MirceONE (MPTYZINE): Hola Erik, que tal carnal?
Erick (Black Skull Radio): todo bien hermano, ensayando mucho y dando el rol bro

Que novedades hay?
Pues estamos en una fase de desarrollo de las últimas ideas para detallar nuestras canciones nuevas y darle un refresh al acto en vivo. Ahora contamos al fin con dos guitarristas y pues emocionados con el sonido que va madurando dentro de la banda.

Vi que tuvieron algunos conciertos y cosas nuevas.Saldra algun album pronto?
Si, efectivamente tuvimos una gira por el bajío y norte del país, se llamó Sensacional De Punkeros, compartimos kilómetros de carretera con dos muy buenas bandas Mexicanas que se llaman Rotten(CDMX)y Hollywood Babilonia(GDL, Méx). Fue una gran experiencia que tuvo todo tipo de matices que nos acercaron mucho como amigos y como parte la escena punk rock mexicana, es siempre muy emocionante conocer personas nuevas y también conocer su visión de la música y de la realidad que se vive en este país. . Estuvimos en la ciudad de Aguascalientes, Monterrey y Guadalajara. Ciudades históricas y ricas en su contenido cultural y por supuesto contracultural. Y si, todo esto se verá reflejado en el nuevo trabajo de Black Skull Radio. Es necesario compartir el sonido y energía que percibimos en este tiempo desde que salió Mala Suerte Y Días Grises. Es retroalimentar el cariño que nos tiene la gente y el que nosotros le tenemos a este sentimiento punkrocker que llevamos en el pecho.



Para los que todavia no los conocen, podrian compartir algo de su historia con nosotros?
Claro que si, somos seis sujetos de la Ciudad de México que afortunadamente coincidimos en el camino dentro de la escena hardcore punk y punk oí! Nos conocimos y nació una amistad antes que la idea de ser una banda. Hace casi cinco años iniciamos Con Black Skull Radio, una banda que lleva acabo un sonido punk rock “californiano”, siempre de la mano de la música rebelde, música para darle voz a la gente del barrio, del pueblo, de los sentimientos urbanos y de historias que merecen ser escuchadas. BSR es una banda que pone el corazón en la tarima.

Cuales son sus influencias? Nombren 10 bandas.
Esta siempre es una de nuestras preguntas favoritas, a nombre de toda la banda podríamos nombrar a Rancid, GBH, Maldita Vecindad, The Suicide Machines, Ilegales, Cock Sparrer, Social Distortion, The Clash, Misfits y Kortatu.

Si necesitaran llevar con ustedes tres cosas a una isla que seria?
Jejejeje buena esa, obviamente un stereo, el disco The History of The Clash y un buen encendedor.

Nombren con que banda les gustaria tocar (nueva o vieja)
Tocar con una banda nueva? Pues no tenemos problema con los géneros, si nos gustaría un show con Cypress Hill, con Rancid, Con The Adicts, con Toxic Holocaust, con Wolfbrigade, por supuesto con Fermín Muguruza. Uno siempre quiere dar un show con bandas que de alguna forma influencian al sonido propio.

Saben algo de la corriente punk de Europa del este?
El intercambio de material y el DIY ha funcionado después de todo en cuanto al tráfico de ideas y música. Conocemos algunas bandas sobre todo por recopilaciones y acoplados que hemos recibido por parte de punx que viajan de Mexico hacia Europa, y de mismos europeos que también dejan discos con mucho gusto. Gogol Bordello goza de cierta popularidad pero también nos gustan los sonidos más underground, por ejemplo Leukimia de Hungría, Trottel igualmente de Hungría suena por aca, Hopes es una banda República Checa con sonido hardcore que en lo personal nos gusta mucho.


Que mas haces aparte de la banda?
Pues lo común, trabajar, ver a nuestras familias, ir a shows, ejercitarse un poco y por supuesto jugar con nuestros perros. Todos en Black Skull Radio tenemos proyectos alternos a la banda, tenemos otras bandas. Eskirt (bajo)tiene un proyecto de oí! Llamado Los Villanos, Txop (guitarra) toca en Working Class, una banda punk oí!, Tío (vocal) está en Los Frankys, banda de garage Terror. Yo me preparo para salir de gira por Europa con Excluded banda de street punk. Son cosas que llenan nuestros días y que alimentan al BSR.

Podrias compartir un mensaje con nuestros pocos lectores en linea?
Un mensaje que le daría a la gente sería: nunca dejen de escuchar música, nunca, no tengan prejuicio por los géneros que la música rebelde siempre viene en infinitos sabores, hay música regional de todas partes que tiene letras caravanas de mensaje y sentimiento puro. Manténgase jóvenes en el ánimo y ganas de divertirse, que se joda la apatía y que se joda el Real Madrid.

Donde te pueden encontrar en linea y escuchar la musica?
Nos encuentran en plataformas digitales como Spotify, YouTube y en nuestra Fanpage como Black Skull Radio, estamos en Instagram igualmente y podemos enviarles un link de descarga de nuestro primer trabajo Mala Suerte Y Días Grises con una calidad de sonido bastante buena.


Gracias hermano por tu tiempo, algun ultimo mensaje que quieras compartir?
Muchas gracias por el tiempo suyo y por darle voz a la escena punk rock de la mera ciudad de los muertos, del DF para todos nuestros amigos de Europa.

MirceONE vs. Erick – Junio 2019

check the band HERE and HERE

Die Wrecked-Mongrel Hordes promo album

MPTY ZINE promo exclusive for Romania

Die Wrecked are coming from Leicester in UK and this is Mongrel Hordes their 3rd material after their demo in 2012 and a split ep in 2013 with Krass Kepala from Indonesia. Short and energic songs from the start with Middle Class Hyprocrisy with both male and female voices, many of the songs are talking about injustice, human rights and other social problems. They were already across the Europe and also in Middle Asia to promote their material. It was released DIY on their own Die Rex Label with the help from their friends Mass Prod. This album is about people who are angry, ANGRY ENOUGH TO DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT like they say. 18 minutes on 10 tracks in full speed, anger, fast enough for your inner circle pit with your friends and passion. Also on their booklet you can find the translation of the songs in many languages. No One Is Illegal!!!. A must have for all the angry kids out there.

die wrecked

playlist Not Broken In Spirit (28 iulie 2011)

In fiecare joi si duminica de la 22.30 pe 3 Ceasuri Rele. O ora de punk, ska, oi si hc cu Mirceone

1. Always War – these are the ways (2:34)
2. Atarassiagrop – Un’altra domenica (3:36)
3. Bluekilla – Bluekilla Siempre Sera Banda De Ska (feat. Haracio Blanco) (2:54)
4. Broilers – Wie weit wir gehen (2:59)
5. Face to Face – It’s Not All About You (3:02)
6. Manu Chao – Mr. Bobby (2:44)
7. Pipes And Pints – City By The Sea (2:27)
8. The Real Mckenzies – Bugger Off (3:32)
9. Sir Reg – arrive on st. patrick’s day (3:16)
10. Trade Unions – Cuori Rossi (2:54)
11. Rezurex – Black Sunday (4:12)
12. Rancid – Brews (2:06)
13. Paddy And The Rats – Ugly Drunken Woman (3:47)
14. Lionheart – Pure Anger (3:19)
15. Los Fastidios – Hooligirl (2:15)
16. Bouncing Souls – Private Radio (2:12)
17. Give ‘Em Hell – When This Ship Goes Down (3:10)
18. Looptroop Rockers – This Music Sounds Better at Night (3:44)