MPTY ZINE sustine si recomanda:


RECLAIM Underground Timisoara Festival nr. 13!

Reclaim your culture! Reclaim your city! Reclaim your life!

21 – 22 Mai 2010 / Timisoara, Romania

Club Setup, str Pestalozzi nr 22


Primul si cel mai logeviv festival underground din Romania, Underground Timisoara Festival, revine cu editia a XIII-a in perioada 21-22 mai 2010 ..la Club Setup.., Timisoara.

Incepand cu 2009 organizatorii, Miscarea Underground Timisoara si Gluga Neagra aka Black Hood Society, propun un nou format: RECLAIM! – Reclaim your culture! Reclaim your city! Reclaim your life!

Acest  format confirma statutul castigat de UNDERGROUND ca fiind unul dintre cele mai importante evenimente de acest gen in Europa Centrala si de Est, dovada sta larga participare internationala; anul acesta vor canta formatii din Germania, Franta, Italia, Serbia si Romania.

In ceea ce priveste stilurile, UNDERGROUND va propune o paleta larga de genuri . Se va putea asculta live: electro-punk, experimental, noise, post punk, industrial, wave pentru a enumera doar cateva dintre ele.

Va asteptam si anul acesta ..la Timisoara.. pentru a degusta evenimentul cu numarul (norocos) 13 marca UNDERGROUND.

Miscarea Underground Timisoara, Gluga Neagra aka Black Hood Society

si Asociatia Do It Yourself



Vineri – 21.05.2010 / cu incepere de la ora: 21.00

NONLINEAR (Italia) –  www.myspace.com/staynonlinear

GESTAMMELORCHESTER (Germania) –  www.myspace.com/gestammel

YANN IS THE BASTARD / 1984 (Franta) – www.myspace.com/agrafist

KRASNOYE SORMOVO FACTORY NO.112 (Germania) – www.myspace.com/factory112

VISE OD MILIMETRA (Serbia) – www.myspace.com/viseodmilimetra

THE BAD DAYS WILL END (Romania) – www.myspace.com/thebaddayswillend

Sambata – 22.05.2010 / cu incepere de la ora: 21.00

VADOT (Germania) – www.myspace.com/vadotgore

MONNOCLE (Franta) – http://monnocle.free.fr/

ZOSCH! (Germania) – www.myspace.com/zoschgrrrls

FAST ARBEIT BABIES (Franta) – www.myspace.com/fastarbeitbabies

ROMANTIC JURGEN (Romania) – www.myspace.com/romanticjurgen

VADUVA BOB (Romania) – www.myspace.com/vaduvabobofficial

SEMIOSIS (Romania ) – www.myspace.com/semiosisband

La Ghenga del fil di fero – Telestroika


Toscana Punk Rock presents the new release of La Ghenga Del Fil Di Ferro – Telestroika.
La Ghenga Del Fil Di Ferro hail from Lucca (Italy) and are one of the bands that started the punk community in Toscana. The album can be considered the product of over 5 (good and bad) years of work, and it is an album that speaks very directly about touchy subjects, although they are not one of the most “hardcore” bands, and they don’t have lyrics that incite to raising your fists in the air.
Personally, I am an amateur of Italian punk; this album impresses you in a good way, from when you first listen to it. The message is strongly directed against mass-media, against politicians, against liars, against racism and against corruption. Influenced by bands such as FFD, Los Fastidios, Linea or The Unseen, the band has developed an original style, a melodic punk-rock with attitude. The album has 11 original tracks and a (very nice) cover version of You’ll Never Walk Alone, a video for the song Ricardo E and a mad artwork (Skill Hands). It is available on CD or Vinyl.
I would rate them 9+ out of 10. Recommended songs: Abuso di Potere and New Drugs. It is worth listening, and we recommend it!


MPTY ZINE sustine si recomanda:

THE BRAINS (psychobilly – Canada)


For the the past seven years, Montreal’s psychobilly horror-punk outfit, THE BRAINS, have been terrorizing unsuspecting audiences worldwide with their dastardly and mordid mix of 50’s rock n’ roll, country and old school punk rock. Fronted by undead latin lotherio slash axeman Rene d la Muerte, The Brains round out their unholy posse with beer-chugging, standup bass-slappin Johnny Montreal and the gravedigging, drum-pounding rhythm stylings of Franck O’ Brains.

Having previously released two blood-drenched full-lengths (No Pain, No Brain and Hell n’ Back), The Brains prove that the third time really is the charm. Relentless touring, song-writing and unwavering dedication to their craft have resulted in one hell of a kickass, genre-defining third recording. “Self Titled” features 11 tracks of spooky, ass-shaking and undeniably infectious rock n roll that’ll deeply satisfy old and new fans of psycho, rockabilly, punk, rock and everything in between.

Over the past year, The Brains have graced stages across the country alongside such heavy hitters as Rancid, The Creepshow, The Planet Smashers, Mad Sin and the Matadors just to name a few. Starting April 21st, The Brains will be bringing their signature psycho spectacle coast-to-coast for 5 weeks before shippin off to the USA and Europe.

infos here: http://www.myspace.com/thebrains

15 mai 2010 in DAOS CLUB – Timisoara

ora: 22.00 bilet 10 lei

dupa concert afterparty psychobilly dj set by 3 ceasuri rele

un eveniment: 3 ceasuri rele si koolkat


Iata ca ACUM a scos capul in lumea internetului. Bine ati venit dragi prieteni si asteptam de la voi noutati:)

pentru cei care nu stiu ce este ACUM, sper sa va lamuriti citind randurile de mai jos:

Ce este A.C.U.M.? * În primul rând, în cel mai propriu sens, după cum o spune şi denumirea, o mână de ajutor întinsă acelei părţi din undergroundul românesc şi străin mai puţin “răsfăţată” nu numai de media mainstream dar şi de omoloagele alternative. O comunitate care – credem noi – are multe de spus atât din punct de vedere artistic cât şi social şi pe care sperăm c-o putem ajuta să o facă; * O organizaţie formată din şi pentru publicul şi artiştii români şi străini care trăiesc, creează, se manifestă şi interacţionează în underground; * Un mijloc de promovare a ideilor noastre în legătură cu diverse teme sociale importante în România, în special pentru tineri (de la traficul de persoane şi problema drogurilor până la mediul înconjurător şi protecţia animalelor), şi a actelor artistice care le şi ne reprezintă; * Manifestarea dorinţei de a întreprinde ceva, în opoziţie cu a privi şi a plânge că nu se-ntâmplă nimic; * Un producător de materiale (foto, video, grafice, scrise) cu şi despre undergroundul romanesc şi străin; * Un grup care trăieşte în capitala României dar se simte bine peste tot; * Un grup flexibil dar principial, deschis la colaborări cu grupuri cu interese şi scopuri asemănătoare; Ce NU este A.C.U.M.? * Un mijloc de promovare şi susţinere a artiştilor underground care doresc să fie mainstream; * O organizaţie politică; * O organizaţie care se ocupă doar de muzică; * O organizaţie ce promovează doar artiştii care abordează genurile preferate ale membrilor; * O organizaţie care cheltuie banii sponsorilor pentru campanii care să arate ce rău merg lucrurile. * O înaltă instanţă morală care emite judecăţi de valoare, desfiinţează concepte şi idei, înfierează starea naţiunii şi presupuşii responsabili; Atitudinea A.C.U.M. nu se doreşte a fi una de luptă împotriva “plăgilor societăţii”, ci de sprijin pentru atitudinile şi acţiunile pozitive şi de schimbare în bine. Pe scurt, A.C.U.M. nu este o organizaţie ANTI, ci o organizaţie PRO “

sursa: http://www.myspace.com/acum.aici


TNS bring forward the first Leagues Apart material, To Anywhere. 7 tracks which are very in a good rhythm, a melodic punk-rock which reminds us of Lawrence Arms, Dilinger4 or Hot Water Music or any punk band after 1990. This band’s project was created from members of Stand Out Riot, Kickback Uk and Frontline. The album is fresh, melodic and worth listening to and I personally give them 8.5.
favorite tracks: More potatoes, Uncle Tusky, All this talk of sinking ships is making me thirsty

check them out: HERE


Get ready to dance, put your new shoes on and let’s skank. Welcome to the town that vibrates, the town where we can skank, where we can listen to what we want and where we can be free, welcome to VIBRATOWN. Vibratown is Quartiere coffee’s second discographical material, released by One Step Records. 11 dancehall, reggae, ska tracks for a perfect night. An album which shouldn’t be missing from any fan’s collection. Special guests: Elephant Man, Sister E or Lion D will be on your likes and for sure, this album will make you wanna dance.
Favorite tracks: Caffeine, Doctor dancehall

H2o live

MPTY ZINE sustine si recomanda:

H2o (hardcore.punk from NEW YORK)

H2O is a band that had beginnings like any other band. No one could have guessed that a few guys and a former roadie from New York would start a band as a one-song side project and it would turn into a world-touring powerhouse. They took humble roots and worked their way to add their chapter to the long history of New York Hardcore and they would define the term “melodic hardcore” that would become so common years later. From 1996 to 2003 was unavoidable- four albums on Blackout!, Epitaph, and MCA records with over 300,000 copies sold, constant world touring with the likes of the Mighty Mighty Bosstones, Rancid, AFI, Pennywise, & the Used, Sick Of It All, the Misfits, 7 Seconds, and Madball, as well as runs on the Warped Tour-they established themselves as a household name and inspired countless others in their wake. In the pre-internet world of hardcore and punk, H2O was the band that blended the heavily-tattooed, unbridled rage of New York bands like the Cro-Mags and Agnostic Front, with the punk melodies of bands like the Descendents and Token Entry. It’s hard to argue that bands a decade later would take the melodic hardcore groundwork laid by H2O to wider audiences.

It’s now 2008 and H20 is still here, but Nothing To Prove is not a comeback – that’s way too simple. Nothing to Prove is a statement of everything the band is and a taste of what the band will be in the future – and it’s nothing short of incredible. Frontman Toby Morse said it best, “This time feels urgent. I feel everything on this album has been building up over the last seven years. That’s why this album is called Nothing To Prove – because it’s all out on the table.” This is H2O’s most personal, most angry, most positive, hardest, yet catchiest album to date, and it comes into a scene not unlike the scene that H2O originally entered. Hardcore and punk as concepts have been diluted, confused and hyphenated to the point where it’s a marketing term. Nothing To Prove is a ten-song breath of fresh air and honesty that is poised to revive an otherwise stagnant “scene”.

The re-emergence of H2O hits with the first notes of the opening track, “1995.” Only a few solitary chords before the crashing of a fast, raw and melodic song, complete with classic sing-alongs and a perfect breakdown. The title track is next and while it’s only a minute and a half blast, “Nothing To Prove” sums up H2O’s manifesto for this release: the band is back and while their history speaks for itself, they’re not resting on any laurels. Featuring Agnostic Front’s Roger Miret and the one and only Danny Diablo, the band shows they haven’t forgotten where they came from. As the album progresses, H2O reminds the listener that their penchant for infectious anthems and choruses has not dissipated one bit.

Lyrically, we see Toby Morse as up front and honest as he’s ever been. Anthems about being straight edge in his 30’s (“Still Here”), to being a responsible adult with tattoos (“Heart On My Sleeve”), and the personal sacrifices and vulnerabilities we all feel (“Unconditional”) are all present on Nothing to Prove . With “Sunday,” listeners get a stunning display of Morse’s personal story – the passing of his father when he and his brother, H2O guitarist, Todd Morse, were young children, and the subsequent birth of his own child on the same day of the week. Toby bares it all in one of the most personal songs H20 has written. Ending with the anthem, and first single, “What Happened?” we are presented with a testament to the power of H2O. The song is an anthem about questioning the ethics and motives of bands and music in general today, but the subject is addressed in a positive way. They take an infectious anthem and up the ante with appearances by Lou Koller of Sick Of It All and Matt Skiba from Alkaline Trio both showing what they do best. It’s a formidable closer and it’s the last statement in an album that is the most forthright in their career thus far; their hearts are on their sleeves. Bassist Adam Blake commented, “This is the first time I’ve ever seen Toby NEEDING to write lyrics. He just kept writing and writing and writing and it came so easy to him once he got started.”

What makes Nothing To Prove such a monumental album is that it is a collaboration of many long-time H2O fans, only now, instead of stage-diving and singing along, they’re behind the boards of the recording studio, designing the artwork and releasing the albums. Produced by longtime fan and friend of the band, Chad Gilbert (New Found Glory), a new perspective was brought in. Toby said, “Chad really knew how to help us take good songs and make them sound great.” Gilbert stated, “I am a fan of H2O and this is an album that fans of H2O want to hear. They needed to make this record and I’m really proud to be a part of it.” Bridge Nine Records’ owner Chris Wrenn and label manager Karl Hensel both have their own histories with H2O running over a decade as well. “This entire project has been amazing,” Wrenn stated. “Everyone involved is passionate about the album and it’s been a great experience watching this album get created start to finish and to see the band’s reaction and excitement about the finished product. They’ve never had this kind of control or say in every last aspect of the process. It’s an honor that H2O is a part of our legacy and it’s an honor that Bridge Nine is apart of H2O’s legacy.” (sursa h20go.com)


MPTY ZINE sustine si recomanda:


With six years under their belt and countless international tours to prove it, the Koffin Kats show no sign of slowing down. This trio blasted out of Detroit in June of 2003 with the mission to never stop for anything. Vic Victor (Lead Vocal, Upright Bass) would join forces with long time friend Tommy Koffin (Guitar) and start laying the ground work for the sonic assault known as The Koffin Kats.

They put together songs about drug use, self-loathing, and all things evil. With Eric “E Ball” Walls (Drums) they began to stomp the shit out of Detroit and the surrounding area. The next couple of years proved to be up and down with drummer changes and the release of their first three albums – S/T (2003), Inhumane (2005), and Straying from the Pack (2006).

This onslaught caught the attention of many and helped to cement The Koffin Kats as one if the top acts in the world of punk rockabilly. In 2007 Vic and Tommy hooked back up with Eric to get ready for the fourth album- Drunk in the Daylight (2008) – and began what the Kats are known for- NON STOP TOURING. With their love for their fans and for the road they set out to play everywhere willing to listen to them. They have done this ever since and now have joined forces with Stomp Records to release their 5th album “Forever for Hire” in October 2009.

2010 shows no slowing down for The Koffin Kats. With Tommy’s departure from the band, a new guitarist, EZ Ian, has taken up the spot and plans for an EP to be released in the fall have already started. Catch them on the road as they will be touring across the US and Canada as well as Europe this year. (sursa: Koffin Kats my space)

in deschidere: