StrigOI! Fanzine

Oi! you, from the Greater Wallachia region in Romania, all the way to Aztec land, I received the StrgOI fanzine. It is hard for me to write an objective review as I’ve known Cezar for a long time, back in the days when we were exchanging lists of music on ODC and having MySpace, but I will try to write something honest. The name Strigoi refers to a type of supernatural creature or undead being, often associated with vampirism or revenants. The concept of Strigoi varies in different regions of Romania, but generally, they are believed to be souls of the dead who have returned from the grave, possessing some form of malevolent intent. Cezar is also known for his old fanzine: No Bollox Just Oi! and Strigoi brings the same Oi, Punk, and metal music back into the center of attention.

The package came with the first 2 issues, both of them with hard covers and nice black and white prints. Both issues have some beautiful A3 posters made by Cristina (MissRhyne). The first issue has 70 pages and features interviews with: Karloff (punk and black metal from Oldenburg, Lower Saxony), Plakkaggio (punk and black metal from Italy), Hardsell (streetpunk/oi, hc from Austin), Coro from Axa Valaha (booking and underground promoter from Romania), Scandal (streetpunk/oi from Romania/UK), NapOI!ka (streetpunk from Czech Republic), Rotheads (death metal Romania), The Unborn (horrorpunk oi from Italy), Mendeku Diskas (distro and mailorder from Basque Country), Collision (postpunk oi from France), Sasha from Wrong Turn (hc/punk band tattoo artist from Romania), Toro Bravo (oi from Lithuania), Leather Brigade (fast metal from Romania), and Eroszakszervezet (punk from Hungary).

It also includes a short history of Iulia Hasdeu Castle in Campina, Romania, and an amazing artwork for the back cover made by Cristina and a nice poem. Number 2 came out this year and has 90 pages with a hard cover B5 format. It features interviews with: Live By The Sword (oi/metal USA), Trespasser (black metal Sweden), Grinder (thrash metal from Romania), FC St. Pauli (interview with the firm), The Dead Ceausescus (punk from Romania), Real Enemy (skinhead fanzine from Slovakia), The Uncouth (oi from USA), Terror Art (post-punk legends from Romania – interview in Romanian and English).

There’s also a nice article about How To Live With Death in the Wallachian style and another article about Romanian venues (Bucharest part 1). The fanzine also has some nice artworks by the same MissRhyne: The Adventures of Strigoi and Friends, and another kick-ass back cover artwork with a poem.

Both issues have the interview written in English as well as the articles. Cezar did a great job with the questions, really personal some of them, covering political issues and football among other cool subjects. Being myself a huge collector of fanzines (both printed and digital), I must give kudos for the huge work that they did, as both of the fanzines are looking professional and of nice quality print. I like the A3 poster for the second issue so much that I ordered a frame to have it on display in my office. I also love that both issues have a nice layout with 2 columns and nice photos; all interviews have different feels and like I said, really crafted questions.

As a small critic, I must say that 2 interviews were a bit hard to read as the background artwork with the black text didn’t go well together, but all in all, this is something to have for any fanzine lover out there. Please do check them out and order directly from them this amazing zine.


Bent Out Of Shape – Old Rats On A New Ship

Bent Out Of Shape is a streetpunk/oi band from Netherlands formed in 2019. They have released a demo in 2020 of 7 songs that brought them to German label Demons Run Amok, and later in 2020 came their first EP Who Laughs Last. Also last year in 2021 they had two split EP’s one with The Boldness from Indonesia and another one with Skroetbalgs. This year they have been recorded 10 new tracks for their debut LP Old Rats On A New Ship as well released by Demons Run Amok. The album sounds amazing and you can give it a try on their bandcamp. Is a mix of Lions Law, Skinflicks, Casualties or Stomper 98.

Terror – Pain Into Power – promo 2022 End Hits

Terror Pain into Power cover

I must say that I am not too much into hardcore anymore, but man whenever Terror is bringing something new you need to pay attention. I think this is the soundtrack for what happens now in the world. Terror after more than 20 years remains the same energic band, still underground and still with In Your Face attitude. If I have to make a top of my HC bands for sure they will be on the first place along with Madball, Agnostic Front and Sick Of It All. This album has 10 tracks and is their 8th studio album and will be out on End Hits. A first single is already out “Can’t Help But Hate” feat: Corpsegrinder. About the message Scott Vogel says that as a band they were always between positivity and negativity and even if there is a shitty situation we can found the way out thru music, but as well with all the positivity there are times when you collapse or you cannot take it, so this album has both parts in it. So all in all this album is a must for any hardcore fan and if you like Terror for sure this material won’t let you down.


01. Pain into Power
02. Unashamed
03. Boundless Contempt    
04. Outside the Lies
05. One Thousand Lies
06. Can’t Let It Go
07. Can’t Help but Hate
08. The Hardest Truth
09. On the Verge of Violence
10. Prepare for the Worst

mptyzine promo you can used for your social media

Interviu Los Pogos – Sept. 2021

Hai salut, eu sunt MirceONE si azi revenim cu un interviu in romana. Stiu ca am tot facut in ultimul timp interviuri in spaniola cu cateva trupe din Mexic si Spania, insa azi ma intorc in Romania. Sunt un pic nostalgic pentru ca desi personal cred ca ne-am intalnit odata in Timisoara, Los Pogos mereu mi-au placut si alaturi de Scandal si Recycle Bin i-am considerat prieteni. Am vorbit un pic cu Zsolt chiar inainte de concertul lor aniversar si asta e ce a iesit. PS. interviul este originar, din suflet si sper sa nu ma criticati si sa fiti nazi grammar pentru ceva greseli. Mergeti la concerte cand se poate (eventual platiti si intrarea), luati un cd, un tricou si keep it simple, always. Cheers.

1. Salut Zsolt, care e treaba?

– Salut! Totul e bine, mananc tortilla chips cu sos, si rspund la intrebari si ma gandesc la treburile de azi si la concertul de maine. :)) Ciudat, dar prima oara vom canta la Zalau, desi e aproape si de Cluj (unde am infintat trupa) si de Satu Mare, unde m-am nascut si traiesc acum.

2. Stiu ca Los Pogos a intrat in business, da-mi noutati.

– Foarte ciudat… Defapt nu ne-am desfintat niciodata, doar ca dupa ce m-am mutat de la Cluj in 2009, iar fostii membrii s-au mutat acasa la ei, nu prea mai aveam timp si ocazii de repetitii si de concerte. Era mare distanta, cu toti am avut de lucru, nu mai era usor sa ne intalnim. Tineam legatura, mai vorbeam la telefon, ne era dor unul de altul, sa ne intalnim, sa povestim, sa chefuim, dar nu aveam timp, totul schimbat. N-am facut piese noi, pe langa ca aveam multe idei. Concerte mai tineam din cand in cand, iar dupa un timp am inceput sa ma gandesc sa ne luam ramas bun de la public. Am avut mai multe concerte la care asa mergeam initial, ca la sfarsitul ultimei piese o sa fac anuntul, ca atat a fost, asta a fost ultimul nostru concert. Dar mereu iesea asa de bine concertul, ca n-am putut renunta la partea asta a vietii mele. Nu ma consider mare artist, dar ceea ce fac o fac din suflet si e o parte a sufletului meu la care degeaba as incerca sa renunt, nu as putea. Cand ai inceput sa canti, cand ai avut concerte, clipe faine, sau chiar si rele din cauza nazistilor etc. etc. nu poti sa spui, ca atat a fost. Defapt poti, dar mereu o sa simti o lipsa in suflet. Din fericire noi in sfarsit ne-am trezit din vis si vrem sa fim din nou galagiosi. :))

3. Pentru cei care nu va stiu spune-mi cateva cuvinte despre trupa.

– In 2002 am infintat trupa la Cluj cu Levi, Mishu Mic si Misu Mare. La inceput chiar nu stiam sa cantam (cel putin eu nu prea). Am pus anunturi in puburi, caut membrii pentru trupa punk, nu conteaza daca nu sti sa canti, ideea e sa vrei. Atunci aveam 21 de ani si eram plin de energie, vroiam sa schimb lumea, vroiam sa fac ceea ce doresc eu cel mai mult inca din copilarie, adica sa cant. Din fericire cu ceilalti tare bine ne-am inteles, aveam cam aceleasi ideologii, ascultam muzica asemanatoare si ne placea sa fim impreuna. Normal, aveam si mari certuri din cand in cand, dar asa ulterior pot spune ca in general ne iubeam in sensul bun al cuvantului, si cam zilnic ne vedeam. :))

Dupa infintare foarte repede ne-am apucat de concerte. Mai tin minte de primul nostru concert. Era in pubul Zo-Ro din Cluj, intrarea costa o bere si era plin de oameni. Deja la prima piesa iesea un pogo foarte mare. Ziarele scriau de fenomenul ca la Cluj a aparut miscarea punk. :))

Foarte multe concerte am avut in tara si in starinatate, intre timp am mai schimbat si membrii, mai ales tobosari. De la Cluj era mai usor sa mergi la concerte fie la Bucuresti, Iasi, Timisoara, Satu Mare, sau in strainatate. Era cam in centrul Romaniei si noi oricum n-am avut altceva de facut. :)) Adica aveam, ca ori eram la facultate, ori lucram, dar cumva totul era foarte simplu: cantatul era partea a vietii noastre si atat. Nu se punea problema ca nu vrem, nu avem timp etc. etc. Rezolvam.

Asta e trecutul, iar prezentul e ca cu doi ani in urma am avut un concert la Cluj, unde veneau si cativa baieti, care dupa varsta lor puteau sa fie copilul meu. :)) Aveau tricouri Los Pogos facut de ei si ma intrebau daca nu ma supar, ca ei au facut si nu e ceva original. Tare m-a incantat faza asta, in acelas timp m-am si socat un pic dandu-mi seama, ca sa nascut o generatie noua de cand noi nu prea mai ne ocupam de piese noi, de cantat etc. Am decis ca trebuie luat din nou in serios, nu vreau sa ma trezesc la batranete, ca a trecut timpul fara sa cant.

La acest concert a cantat prima oara cu noi la chitara Lóri, un prieten bun din Satu Mare. Dupa concert ne-am certat mult si dur cu chitaristul Robi pe tema de prezentul si viitorul trupei (nu vreau sa intru in detalii), dupa ce ne-am hotarat cu Lóri, ca mai bine gasim membrii noi din Satu Mare si facem cum vrem noi. Am cautat si tobosar, findca nici cu Wattie nu prea mai puteam continua, el locuind la Targu Mures.

4. Cum a fost cu pandemia pentru trupa?

– In timpul pandemiei am reusit sa-l gasim pe tobosarul Csabi si pe chitaristul Tomi. Din pacate Csabi a plecat din tara spunand, ca nu are de ales, nu-si gaseste job, din care sa poate plati chiria, si sa aiba o viata normala. Din fericire l-am gasit pe Edi, cu care am avut deja un concert si maine o sa avem al doilea. Ne simtim bine impreuna, scriem piese noi, am facut si un videoclip in timpul pandemiei, deci totul merge bine. Ne mai certam din cand in cand cu Lóri, dar asa e relatia noastra. :))

Los Pogos 2021

5. Acum ca incet incet ne miscam, ce planuri aveti, stiu de un concert, stiu ca la fel lucrati la ceva nou 

– Anul trecut am vrut sa facem o mare sarbatoare, unde sa vina sa canta toti fosti membrii Los Pogos, adica cu cine am reusit sa iau legatura. Implineam 18 ani de la infintare. Din cauza andemiei n-am reusit, asa ca anul acesta incercam sa luam revans. 

Maine avem un concert la Zalau si sunt inca doua concerte concrete in plan dar sa vedem, cum va fi cu pandemia. Cand nu o sa mai putem concerta, o sa facem piesele noi. Am o gramada de idei, dar si ceilalti vin cu ideile lor. Planuim un nou album.

6. Cum era prin anii 2000 si cum e acum? ce diferente vezi, imi aduc aminte de concertele de prin Bucuresti, Timisoara, Craiova…erau ceva trupe bune, acum cum vezi lucrurile?

– Sincer e o diferenta enorma. Atunci cantam peste tot, ne chemau si din localitati despre care pana atuncea nici nu auzeam, si noi mergeam cu mare placere oriunde. O data au trimis un taximetrist dupa noi din Moldova Noua pana la Cluj, sa ajungem la concert, fiindca Mishu Mic avea examen la facultate si nu prindeam trenul. Mult am cantat la Timisoara, dar si la Bucuresti si in restul tarii. Cum am mai spus si in Ungaria am avut concerte, turnee, dar am ajuns si in Viena si in Slovacia. Concerte dupa concerte.

Acum e mai greu… cu toti avem mai multe lucruri de facut, eu am si familie, doi copii mici, deci e mai greu de gasit zile libere sa calatorim o zi pana la locul concertului si in a doua zi sa calatorim din nou. Am si un job mai special, este cand nu lucrez mai mute zile, deci nu vin bani, este cand intr-o saptamana am atata de lucrat in cat ies banii pe o luna. Deci e mai greu de planuit, fiindca poate in cele 2 zile cand ma duc la cantat familia din cauza mea pierde bani de un sfert de luna. Dar nu vreau sa intru in mare discutii despre bani, nu asta era ideea, ci ca e mai greu din multe motive. Si atunci n-am vorbit inca despre faza cea mai grava, adica ca multe locatii unde am cantat nu mai exista. Organizatorii cu care tineam legatura nu mai organizeaza etc. etc. E greu de gasit locuri pentru concerte.

Dar sincer niciuna din problemele enumerate nu o sa ne impiedice sa cantam. Vrem si o sa facem sa fie bine

7. Fa-mi te rog un top10 cu trupele tale preferate

Din cand in cand mi se schimb, dar cam astea sunt cele stabile pentru mine:

– 1. Prosectura (din Ungaria)

2. Exploited

3. Clash

4. The Jam

5. Rancid

6. 4Skins

7. Ramones

8. Adicts

9. Üveges Csirkeszemek (Ungaria)

10. Casualties

8. Ce faci in timpul liber si ce faci in viata de zi cu zi?

– Din pacate nu prea am timp liber, mereu fac ceva. Cu nevasta mea suntem corespondenti tv pentru mai multe posturi de tv, eu cameraman si din cand in cand reporter. Lucram din trei judete, deci de obicei sunt pe drum. Stam la bloc, dar avem un teren de 10 ari, ii spun oaz. Am o gramada de plante exotice, bananieri, plamieri, colocaz etc. etc., deci cum termin cu lucru, ma grabesc sa tund iarba sa le stropesc plantele, fiindca in fiecare zi trebuie sa le ud, ceea ce dureaza zilnic cam 2 ore. :)) Pe bune. Nu suna “prea punk”, dar asta-mi place, ce sa fac? :)) Intre timp incerc sa fiu si cu fetitele mele, care-s cele mai bune lucruri din viata mea. Si apoi mai avem si repetitii cu Los Pogos.

9. Spune-mi cateva din influentele Los Pogos?

– Sincer nu prea pot spune cine sau ce ne influenteaza. Si nu de aceea ca-s foarte increzut si cred ca am facut ceva foarte interesant si unic (fiindca numele meu de familie in limba romana inseamna Unic :)) ), ci pentru ca nu mi se pare ca piesele noastre seamana cu piesele trupei xy. Dar sunt sigur ca trupele noatre preferate cumva totusi ne-au influentat. Daca altfel nu, macar cu spiritul. Mai de mult, in vremea cand canta in trupa si Mishu si mergeam la repetitii cu idei noi de piese, il intrebam din cand in cand, daca oare e piesa mea, sau am auzit de la careva trupa si am preluat, fara sa imi dau seama. :)) Dar de obicei erau ideile mele.

Pe mine personal viata m-a influentat in trecut, cum se aud si piesele, textele mele. Atitudine, dar si chefuitul in plus fetele. :)) Timp de 19 ani de cand exista Los Pogos, mult sa schimbat. Ideile de piese imi vin destul de usor, dar cu textele am probleme. Nu prea mai imi vine sa scriu texte haioase, pe langa ca cred ca sunt destul de imatur pentru asta. :)) Nu vreau sa scriu nici texte care nu ma reprezinta, dar suna bine. Nu stiu daca ati observat, dar in muzica punk, oi exista cateva cuvinte “magice” pe care unele trupe le folosesc foarte des, iar mie imi e deja greata. Cuvintele ca enemy, my way, fight, togheter, resist etc. etc. Nu mai suport sa le ascult, pentru ca stiu, ca este fake. Si noi avem cateva piese care nu ne mai reprezinta din diferite motive si din aceasta cauza de ani de zile nu mai vreau sa le cant, degeaba cere publicul la concert si chiar si unii din trupa. Am scris o piesa mai dura, cu titlul Victim of society. Simt ca nu e chiar “feelingul” ala de Los Pogos, e cu mult mai dura, insa m-a influentat viata. M-am saturat ca si multi altii de felul acesta de viata, ca lucrezi ca un animal si pe urma sa primesti doi bani. N-ai viata de familie, n-ai timp de nimic, nu poti sa ai un hobby, n-ai siguranta, dar macar proprietarii fabricilor traiesc bine si te asteapta sa mergi la lucru 7/7 24/24. Piesa Rock n’ Roll tot e true si tot viata m-a influentat cand am scris. Cand esti copil mic nu vrei sa mergi la gradinita, scoala, vrei doar sa te joci, iar dupa aia nu vrei sa lucrezi, dar trebuie, ca vrei sa te muti de la parinti, iar dupa aia urmeaza munca eterna.

Mai avem o piese noua cu titlul No more, la care textul nu e terminat, dar cred ca asa o sa ramana. :)) Despre relatii…

Iar piesa We got a lot e mai nostalgica dar si de fun. Am primit lucruri bune de la viata, ca berea, fete/baieti si trupa. :))

Deci viata e cea mai mare influentatorare pentru noi.

Nu stiu, ce dracu o sa mai facem cu restul pieselor care nu au inca text. :))

10. Care a fost primul concert la care ai fost?

– Uuuuu… buna intrebare. Habar nu am, dar sigur in 90 si ceva la Satu Mare. Poate un Moby Dick, sau Edda din Ungaria. In vremea aia se tineau multe concerte rock la noi, iar eu umblam inca de cand eram in scoala generala, intre clasele I-IV. Fain era, dar de mult nu se mai face mai nimic pe la noi. Dar cred ca peste tot asa este.

11. Care a fost cel mai misto concert pe care l-ai vazut?

– Sunt mai multe. Normal, ca concertele cu trupele mele preferate erau foarte faine, dar amintesc de un concert Pannonia Allstars Ska Orchestra din Budapesta, la care asa de buna era sonorizarea, ca m-a socat. Suna ca de pe un Cd.

Am reusit sa ajung si la C.B.G.B in New York in 2005. Se tinea un festival punk/oi, canta si Casualties. Bestial era.

Concertele Exploited, Adicts (ei chiar fac un show extraordinar), Casualties. Cu cativa ani in urma am fost la un cocert Agnostic Front, Walls of Jehrico, Suicidal Tendencies etc. etc. si ala a fost foarte fain. Madball la Cluj. Si trebuie sa marturisesc, ca cu cativa ani in urma m-am dus la un concert Guns N’ Roses, pe care nu am mai ascultat de cand am terminat scoala generala. Insa m-am gandit ca este o trupa pe care o data in viata ar merita sa o vad. Si chiar suna foarte bine. Am fost la multe concerte si foarte multe mi-au placut, nu vreau sa le enumar, dar in felul lor la mai multe pot sa spun ca era cel mai misto din punctul asta sau aia de vedere.

Scuze, totusi trebuie sa mai mentionez, ca la inceputul anilor 2000 primul festival Undergrond Timisoara la care am fost  mi-a placut mult.

12. Cu ce trupa visezi sa faceti un SPLIT CD?

 :)) Sincer nu prea am astfel de ganduri. In anii 2000 inca ma facea extrem de fericit sa pot canta pe o scena cu Rancid, dar deja n-am astfel de vise, sau sa facem un cd cu ceva trupa. Poate sunt mai realistic, cine stie. :)) Oricum pentru mine “dumnezeul” punkului este Wattie, deci cred ca un Exploited/Los Pogos n-ar fi rau. :)) 

Iar dintre trupele mele preferate maghiare Prosectura e cel care a fost si a ramas preferata mea.

13. Viitorul suna bine….unde e trupa in 10 ani?

– Eu cred ca tot o sa cantam. Dar cum am mai spus, sunt realistic.

Sunt multe trupe care erau foarte mari si pentru mine tot asa au ramas, dar nu prea mai au concerte, sau nu mai sunt asa de recunoscute. Daca totul merge bine, o sa pornim sa cantam din nou nu numai in tara, dar si in strainatate, asa ca cred ca o sa avem din nou multe concerte.

14. Ce mai facem sa mai salvam asa scena din Romania?

– Uite, eu ma ocup de piese la Los Pogos si incerc sa avem timp si ocazie de concerte, cineva sa salveze si scena punk din Romania. :)) Dar hai sa punem la o parte gluma. Mereu se zicea, ca punkul e mort, dar n-a murit. In 2002 am aparut la Cluj, am avut o gramada de concerte, personal am si organizat foarte multe concerte, dupa care am decis sa nu ma mai ocup cu organizare au organizat altii. Cred ca mereu sunt, sau cel putin ar trebui sa fie oameni care sa se implice.

Foarte sincer vorbind, cred ca la ora actuala e foarte greu, cel putin pentru oameni cum suntem si noi, mai in varsta, cu familie, cu joburi ciudate, cand n-ai timp de nimic, dar sunt alti, mai tineri, care pot sa se implice. Eu sper ca dupa un timp iar o sa am si eu ocazia sa organizez, sau sa ajut sa organizam concerte, dar deocamdata fac ceea ce pot. Multe trupe s-au desfintat, multe trupe prietene de care tare mult imi pare de rau si discutand cu fostii membrii stiu ca si ei viseaza sa mai cante odata. Ciudat sa vorbesc despre noi si despre ei, parca am fi ceva dinosauri al punkului din Romania. Ma simt acelas baiat de 20-25 de ani care am fost, degeaba a trecut vremea, tot tiner am ramas, doar putin mai gras si poate cu mai putina rabdare. Asta e ceea ce simt, in schimb ceea ce vad e ca suntt tineri, care intr-un fel sau altul se implica. Cea mai buna pilda este Tomi, chitaristul nostru. Are 19 ani si ne simtim bine cu el.

15. Unde va gaseste lumea pe net? unde va poate asculta online?

– Buna intrebare. Putem spune ca eu sunt sufletul Los Pogos, eu sunt singurul care cant inca din 2002, dar din pacate in ultimii 10 ani nu prea m-am ocupat de publicitate, de Facebook, Youtube etc. etc. Anul acesta am inceput sa incarc pe Facebook poze de la concertele facuta inca din anii 2002. Canalul youtube tot nu e foarte “proaspat”. Ne mai certam cu ceilalti din cand in cand daca are rost sau nu sa uploadez trecutul trupei pe internet, dar cred ca nu strica. Oricum in perioada asta nu prea e nimic de incarcat pe sieturi, nu prea se tin concerte, asa ca…

Dar sper ca la anul totul se va schimba, o sa putem tine muuuulte concerte, o sa facem poze, inregistrari video etc. etc. 

Pe Facebook ne gasiti aici:

V-as si ruga sa dati un follov, sau like, ca sa primiti noutatile despre trupa. 

Pe youtube aici ne puteti urmari:

Iar pe bandcamp:

16. Mersi de timp si iti las ultimul cuvant.

Ce sa va mai spun? :)) Am scris multe si as mai putea, dar alta data. Deocamdata atata, ca haideti la concerte, urmariti-ne pe Face si Youtube, fiindca avem de gand sa scoatem albumul “Dinosaurs don’t want to die!” 

MirceONE vs Zsolt – Sept. 2021

KOB Records presents: Los Fastidios/FFD red vinyl limited edition – Hasta La Baldoria from 1996.

hey guys, MirceONE here. We are happy for KOB Records new release. Well, is not something new, but something gold. It is Los Fastidios and FFD iconic split from 1996. Hasta La Baldoria on red vinyl on limited edition. So after 25 years here it is on vinyl with 12 tracks that made history on italian 90’s streetpunk/oi scene. About Los Fastidios, i think i don’t need to tell you more words, they formed back in 1991 and to be honest in our small zine they have been around since we started in 2005. One of the bands that i love and that i’m always glad when they have something new. About FFD well, they formed in 1992 and they have playes ever since their mix of punk rock of the 90’s with streetpunk. Here is a short interview with them that i took back in 2013. You can order the split here. Also make sure to check their store as they have cool stuff and stay tunned for more. Cheers to Kob Records.


  1. LOS FASTIDIOS La Vera Forza
  3. LOS FASTIDIOS Blue Beat Boy
  4. LOS FASTIDIOS La nostra città
  5. LOS FASTIDIOS Saremo uniti
  6. LOS FASTIDIOS Alcoolica
  7. FFD Guerra e odio
  8. FFD Alì
  9. FFD Divertirci
  10. FFD Brigata Oi!
  11. FFD Homer
  12. FFD Casinoroial

MPTY ZINE no. 46 out now

Oi you! It’s a pleasure to share with you our latest number. For this number we have:

Grados Nocivos (Mexico-streetpunk) – interview in spanish.

Promos with: Anti Flag / Out Of Bounds / Svetlanas / Cutthorat LA / Motina / All Worked Up / Oxymoron / Treason/ South Class Veterans / Kings Never Die / Foreign Legion / Harbour Rebels / The Magnetics / Concrete Elite  / Bull Brigade

Special thanks to Rene from Demons Run Amok, La Victory Store, Infeztado Records, Grados Nocivos, New Age Records and all of our friends all over. #seeyainthepit

You can read and download the number (right click and save as the pdf 14 MB)


Visit our page on Facebook for more news and promos for Romanian and Mexico DIY scene.

This fanzine is FREE and always will be, we are not making any profit from it, all the promos are FREE, the only “attention” that we have are some promo CD’s, t shirts or other goodies from labels and bands. The copyright for photos of the bands belong to their owners, we are using for promo only the materials.

This is a free time work, not my full time job. I love what i do so if you want to buy me a coffee for the hours that i have spend on the layout and on the promos you can donate on our PAY PAL. Hasta la proxima hermanos! Un abrazo a todos! Salud.




Bitter Grounds – promo

MPTY ZINE promo for Romania:


Bitter Grounds will hit you with their 2nd album, Two Sides Of Hope, will be out on 5th October 2018. Bitter Grounds are coming from Netherlands and they are formed in 2015. The new album is coming 2 years after their debut album: Hollowlands. This is a singalong punkrock with influences from ska all the way to hardcore. The album has everything packed good in energy, attitude and the sounds from the streets. Also lyrics talking about different social problems, frustration, fear and hope. Band was playing with bands like Real McKenzies or Interrupters and played on festivals like: Punk Rock Holiday or Nice’n’Sleazy. Singalong, raise your fist on the dancing floor. True and honest for the punkrock lovers of 90’s. Also do not forget to check them online at: and to check their new video Two Sides Of Hope.

Guilty people for this: Ring Of Fire Records // Bad Granola Records // Aggrobeat Records // Mass Production Records

Video: Two Sides Of Hope


Interview: Voodoo Healers

Exclusive interview with Voodoo Healers (Punk Rock’n’Roll from Greece). The interview will be available as well on our next number, coming out soon in .pdf for free.

gateshead 16.05.2018

MirceONE (MPTYZINE): Hi guys, this is Mirceone from MptyZine, it’s been awhile since we talk last time. How are the things?

VH: Hello Mirceone and many thanx for the contact and your interest to put out infos and news about the band through this interview.We are doing good in general keeping ourselves busy and active as much as possible with tours, recordings etc.

I remember first time when i did listen to you was in 2006 with Living In A Dogville, years have passed and i see that you are still going strong, congrats!

We try…we really try hard to keep it alive in total 15 years from 2003 the band established till today and hopefully few more years.

Saw some new tours for the band in Europe, how are things so far?

The world was always the target, not staying in our city or country, Rock n Roll is the idea and the cause and its bigger than anything else thats why we are touring as much as we can all around Europe, would be great if we could move even further but its very difficult. We had good times bad times….any kind of times…living on the road from 2007 till now. Doing this for such a long period and constantly is tough, the price you pay is high, you don’t choose life after all life choosing you, you just let it take you by the hand.

Any new stuff for 2018?

On March 2018 we re-released our first album “Living In A Dogville” this time in vinyl, its a new fresh recording of the original material plus a bonus track.

Planning a new recording of totally new material till the end of the year and having the album released in the fist half of 2019.

For those that don’t know you please tell us a few things about Voodoo Healers.

We are a Rock n Roll band, fast loud and sweaty, we started on 2003 and we stay loyal as we can in the idea that makes us started, we dont want to change we would love to be better on what we do not change it.

We dont like terms and headlines no fashionable, academic, veritable but not real, correct in the way fits to us and more issues.

Tell me about your music and message

Everything is clear from our side in a world that likes the blurry mixed up situations, Rock n Roll is the answer.

In a personal or social level here is few lines from us for us and to the world.









If you have to do a band top 10, what bands will be in it?

That’s tough but we ll try…in not particular order…are 12…

-Link Wray





-Velvet Underground

-Rolling Stones



-Radio Birdman


-Johnny Thunders And………..

Few words about Greek scene and interesting facts maybe?

Some maybe say that the Rock scene in Greece is general is really ok, of course its matter of opinion and how a person see Rock n Roll, we believe we have the scene we should have….bad or good dosen’t matter too much, in every place cultural or subcultural activities are moving based to the local standards.

One chance to make an split EP with a favorite band, what band will be?

If we are talking for bands are still active it would be The Damned or T.S.O.L…..better to stop with these two.

Any plans for the near future? where can people see you live? where also you can be found online for people to listen to your music?

Besides the recording of the new material till the end of the year hopefully we ll be on tour during March and April 2019, we can’t announce any schedule at the moment but for those who likes to see us they can follow the band on internet and get all the news.



You Tube:


I know that Romania gave you a good impression? Someday soon you will come back?

We are coming every year in Romania and i m sure it will happen on 2019, stay tuned!!!!

A tough one: Clash or Ramones? Why?

We could write books for both of the bands but since i must give a certain reply….

Ramones, they ReDefine Rock n roll after a period that things were kinda blurry and they stood for that for a lifetime.

Guys thank you so much for this short online time, i know you are busy, anything for our few online readers to add?

We thank you for the chance, we hope to get some feedback from any of your readers during the time. Take care


MirceONE vs. Voodoo Healers – July 2018

The Fatty Farmers-Escape From Dirty Pigs (promo)


Mpty Zine promo exclusive for Romania:

Celtic rock mixed with punk’n’roll and some country these are the ingredients of the new album “Escape From The Dirty Pigs” from spanish band The Fatty Farmers. They are a kind of good thing, good guys of the Spanish music underground scene. Acoustic guitar, electronic guitar, drums, accordion, irish whistles, bagpipes, violin and a village irish mood if i can say that. 16 tracks that will remind you of Flogging Molly, The Pogues, The Mahones and many more. They have been on stage on many of the important festivals around Spain, Portugal etc and a live set that is full of energy and will make you dance and jump.
Hope you will enjoy it as much as i did. Cheers!
Thanks to Waldo and Fatty Farmers.
