
MPTY ZINE presents for Romania:

Moonshine is a pretty young and fuckin crazy band from Sweden, gathered up somewhere in 2008. They play fast punk ( on some occasions reminding us of the 80s punk ) and also furious,chaotic on their 12 tracks from their debut album: The Big Bang Gang.
You won’t get bored by them in their tracks, always coming back at the beginning and nowhere on the album can you find a dull moment, specific to so many bands. It’s an album worth listening to, especially because they don’t sing in Swedish :)) and has also got some catchy guitars around.
Fuck music this is some heavy shit!
Haha btw they have a lot of covers for their first album;)
The greatest track: Just a little more than nothing.
More infos about them:

Beat The Red Light

MPTY ZINE presents for Romania:

Rudeboys and rudegirls, metalheads and trash people

TNS Records presents the debut album from Beat The Red Light.
An EP of 5 songs that will make the body to vibrate to the rhythm of ska-core. Imagine the guys from Slayer meet Vic Rugerio and co., imagine a hybrid of Slayer and Mighty Mighty Bosstones.
Beat The Red Light is just what you need to increase adrenaline at a party. They were so fitting name METALLISKA!. Guitar, trumpet, trombone, saxophone, bass, drums-a marvel, really, I listened and I was impressed by them.So if you like Slackers Vs. Slayer, Mighty Mighty Bosstoness, Voodoo Glow Skulls,Beat The Red Light will definitely leave you with a fancy dance.Metal+ska+trash. I give them 10!
more infos about them check out:

Switchblade Cheetah

MPTY ZINE presents for Romania

Forget about all the bands you have listened to lately, CHAOS is the main word when it comes to Switchblade Cheetah. They come from Florida, and no, they don’t sing about beaches and groovy girls. A weird mix, but very nice in the same time punk, hardcore, hate and hate again and trash. Very fast, skulls, violence among with Brian Pitt’s voice make Switchblade Cheetah a band which has not yet signed a contract with mtv.
The band comes with the 2 CDs, one from 2007 and one from last year, The bone gospel ( 2007 ) and Trash Suckin High Heeled Scum (2009)
So, forget about sunny florida and the chicks. here are some boys who put soul into it an deserve to be listened to.
hate, frustration, anger, crazyness, all combined into punk n trash!
only for soft years
more about them

thanks to Brian and Swithblade Cheetah!


Tazmanian Devils live in Timisoara

MPTY ZINE sustine si recomanda:

TAZMANIAN DEVILS live in Timisoara

29 ianuarie 2010 in Timisoara club Manufactura handmade cafe

ora: 21.00 bilet: 10 lei

de asemenea nu uitati ca cei de la Tazmanian Devils sunt intr-un mini turneu in Romania!

28 ian. : Cluj-Napoca @ Remember Pub
29 ian. : Timisoara @ Manufactura Handmade Cafe
30 ian. : O zi de pauza pt. vizitarea castelului lui “Dracula” si “capitalei rockabilly-ului romanesc”

31 ian. : Bucuresti @ Club Suburbia

eveniment organizat de: 3 Ceasuri Rele, Anopsia, TBC, TBA si BHCB.

nu uitati nici de blogul 3 Ceasuri Rele

Primele concerte DANCE TRAUMA in 2010

MPTY ZINE sustine si recomanda:

DANCE TRAUMA de la Cluj Napoca unde se plimba foca, Mighty Mighty Orchestra de la Cluj in doua concerte extraordinare in Timisoara si Cluj

Timisoara –  15 ianuarie 2010 ora: 21.00 bilet 10 lei in club Manufactura

Cluj – 16 ianuarie 2010 ora: 21.00 bilet 10 lei in club La Tevi