Batallón de San Patricio – Interview exclusive June 2020

I had the chance to see them live few times and i must say they are really cool on stage. During this quarantine, we spoke a bit with Ricky and the interview is bellow. Also this interview will be featured on our new number out soon. Cheers and thank you for supporting us.

cover and logo

MirceONE (mptyzine): Hola Ricky soy Mirceone de mptyzine,como estas?
Ricky (BSP): Que tal Mirceone, muy bien gracias por preguntae, espero te encuentres igual.

Felicidades por el lp hermanos de guerra, es este su primero lp oficial?
Gracias por la felicitaciones y sí, es nuestro primer álbum “Hermanos de Guerra”.

Para los que no los conocen, platicanos una breve reseña sobre la banda
La banda surge cómo una propuesta y amalgama de las culturas mexicana e irlandesa, de ahí qué se toma el nombre Batallón de San Patricio, por la hermandad entre ambos pueblos.
Es a partir de Julio del 2017, la banda comienza a tomar forma, después de algunos meses de preparación y ajustes en la alineación. Lo cuál a los meses subsecuentes se fue modificando hasta llegar a la conformación actual de la agrupación. Cabe reconocer el esfuerzo otorgado en sus inicios para Jorge (Q. E. P. D.), Lalo y Rodrigo “Thunder”, los cuáles ayudaron a la creación de los primeros temas (propios) de la banda.

Los he visto un par de veces en vivo, y debo decirles es increible, coo ha sido la cuarentena para ustedes
La cuarenta, cómo a la población en general nos esta afectando, debido a que no hay eventos o shows próximos por el tema de la sana distancia; en lo que respecta por el lanzamiento del álbum “Hermanos de Guerra” (aprovechamos agradecimiento por la grabación y mezcla del disco Alex León de Bilbao Estudio), teníamos programado una gira para mediados de Julio en 5 ciudades del país, junto a otras dos bandas hermanas de Folk Punk mexicano (Drunken Sailor de Cd. Mx y Teddy Bears in Flames de Mty.) lo cual fue cancelado y se busca posponer la gira al 2021.

De lo negativo hacer algo positivo, en Mayo (2020) firmamos contrato con el sello discográfico “Totem Music”, quiénes se encargan de la distribución en medios digitales, y con los que estaremos manejando booking por los siguientes 2 años. También creando nuevos temas para el segundo álbum, esto gracias a que nuestros integrantes (Ricky y Ponko), han estado activos en la gran mayoría de las nuevas composiciones.

Ahora que todo esto acabe, lo primero que haremos será sacar nuestro primer video oficial (tenemos 2 promocionales en YouTube por si gustan verlos) y hacer nuestro festejo de aniversario (Irish and Punk Nightout) el cuál lo haremos una tradición anual, y aprovecharemos para hacer la presentación del disco “físicamente”.

BSP – promo photo

Irish punk no es algo muy conocido en Mexico, como los recibe la gente con sus canciones
El género no esta explotado en nuestro país, por ende la gente lo ha recibido muy bien, al ser un género que no va encasillado a un sector de la población en específico, esto hace que “mayor” gente acuda a los shows o se interese por la música que estamos creando, puedo decir que hasta el momento hemos tenido una respuesta favorable, esperamos se mantenga y siga creciendo esta Ola Verde en nuestro país.

Me puedes decir cuales so sus 10 bandas favoritas
Flogging Molly, Dropkick Murphys, Gogol Bordello, The Rumjacks, Paddy and the Rats, Hank Williams III, Johnny Cash, The Pogues, The Dubliners, The O’reillys and the Paddyhats.

Entre Flogging Molly y Dropkick cual escoges?
Ambas bandas son muy buenas e íconos del Celtic Punk, pero nos inclinamos por Flogging Molly.

Dime si conoces algo sobre Rumania, que no sea por investigar en Google, o en su defecto, si conoces algo.
Desafortunadamente no conocemos bandas o proyectos de Rumanía, pero nos daremos a la tarea de buscarlas. Ahora que lo menciona me da la impresión (sin generalizar) que tendrían un toque de Gypsy Punk.

Resume en 5 palabras que significa Batallon de San Patricio
Familia, Fortaleza, Solidaridad, Embriaguez y Alegría.

Cuales son sus planes para lo que resta de este año
Esperar a que termine esta cuarentena (deseando que todos nuestros familiares, amigos, conocidos, enemigos y público en general se encuentren bien), retomar las actividades a grabar nuestro primer vídeo “oficial” y realizar nuestro festejo por tema del aniversario y presentación del disco en nuestra Ciudad de Las Rosas.

BSP – promo photo

Platicame algunas cosas sobre la escena en Guadalajara, si hablamos de punk, yo se que hay muchas bandas, en donde encanjan ustedes en esta escena
La escena en Gdl es vasta y con demasiads creatividad, van haciendo su fusión con otros géneros, tenemos desde trash punk, stoner punk, Hardcore Punk, D-Beat, oi!, rockabilly, bandas con toques de country. Encajamos en esos lugares todo lo relacionado a los géneros anteriores allí podrían vernos en escenario. Y tampoco cerramos las puertas a festivales que sean de géneros diferentes a los antes mencionados, hago hincapié en que nuestra música es para el público en general.

Algunas palabras para nuestros lectores
Primero agradecerte Mirceone por esta entrevista y el espacio en Mptyzine, invitarlos a que nos sigan en nuestras redes sociales, escuchen nuestro disco y vean los videos promocionales que tenemos en YouTube

Gracias por su tiempo, digan nos donde podemos encontrar su musica para escuchar los
Nos pueden encontrar en Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Spotify, Bandcamp, SoundCloud cómo Batallón de San Patricio.

Las ultimas palabras se las dejo a ustedes, gracias otra vez por tu tiempo hermano
Apoyen a las bandas locales en compra de su mercancía oficial, disco, ahora que regresen los shows, asistan, esto genera que las bandas sigan produciendo su material y tener una escena más amplia. Cómo dice el dicho: ¡Apoyo lo local!

MirceONE vs. Ricky BSP – June 2020


Lexington Field-Christmas At The Pub (single 2019)

Lexington Field – Christmas At The Pub cover

Lexington Field are back from the pub, with a new single for this Holiday. Christmas At The Pub is coming fresh from the press for a IrishPunk fiesta. We did promote them few years back and we like them, they formed back in 2009 in San Diego and play a mix of fiddle punk rock that will remind you of Flogging Molly or The Ramshackle Army. So after all the Christmas shopping and media brainwash of course the perfect time to be for Chrsitmas is at the pub with your loved ones, raise a glass and cheers to them!.
You can listen to the new single on Bandcamp and download. Energic and honest to the bone, fiddle and friends. Merry Xmas, raise your drink!!!


Christmas Vacation on every station
Online shopping across the nation
Another season of pointless presents
I guess it’s time for Christmas at the pub

You’ll shoot your eye out
You better not pout
A double eggnog and light up your house
Another season of waiting in line
I guess it’s time for Christmas at the pub

I will be thankful for this drink
To numb my loneliness away
Maybe next year will be my year
To fall in love on Christmas Day

“Christmas Eve babe in the drunk tank”
A sad reminder of when my heart sank
Another season stuck without you
I guess it’s time for Christmas at the pub

I will be thankful for this drink
To numb my loneliness away
Maybe next year will be my year
To fall in love on Christmas Day

And then I saw her across the bar
Singing along with the band
A beauty who rivals the brightest North Star
I think I might have a chance
To make this year finally my last year
Of whiskey and flat beer and fake holiday cheer
And be in love on Christmas Day


released December 1, 2019
Recorded, mixed, and mastered by Sean Tolley at Clarity Recordings
Music by Lexington Field
Lyrics by Beau Gray
Artwork by Jose Pimienta
Layout by Beau Gray

Interview Rusty Nail


Interview exclusive for Romania with Rusty Nail (st. Louis celtic folk,punk)

Mirceone (MPTY ZINE):Hi guys, what’s up?

Chad:Just enjoying life, making music, making beer, and of course drinking beer

Congrats for the album, is really nice and so deep.Tell me few things about it.

Alvy:Its an album about regret. Its about wishing things were different and struggling with the decisions that were made and then ultimately making peace with those decisions. I am not sure I ever look to mask a lyric with deep underlying meaning except to keep it universal… meaning the names are changed, and the experiences are sometimes combined, but honesty is very important.

Chad:Nine of the songs were written by Alvy, one was collaboration between Alvy and Chris, and one was by Chris. Typically Alvy and I work on the songs till it’s something that feels like a Rusty Nail song and then we work on a full band arrangement. This is how the songs were written for this album. We recorded at my studio for the most part and I did the mixing, the final mastering was done by Brad Sarno who is lives in St Louis.

Also for our few readers:) tell us a short bio

Chad:Born in the winter of 2005, Rusty Nail is a 7 piece band that plays Celtic infused Rock songs, inspired by such acts as The Pogues, The Tossers and Flogging Molly. With the strong Irish history in many of St. Louis’ neighborhoods on the city’s South Side, Celtic folk music has a rich tradition and a welcome place in our great city. Gaining the love and encouragement of our town, we have crafted our sound by playing a healthy mix of these traditional songs as well as a strong repertoire of our own original music. We began this experiment in the various pubs and festivals of metro St. Louis and built a solid reputation as an entertaining and energetic live music experience and a true-to-form Irish bar band.Rusty Nail takes its name from an Old-Timey beverage made with Whiskey and Drambuie Liqueur. We feel that we are a potent blend of traditional and hard rock elements that works well at any party, club or booze-fueled festivity! In 2011 we released our first “FULL BAND” album, containing many of our original and live show favorites. The record “Boozers, Bastards, and Bards” garnered great local reviews and bore us many new friends and supporters. While we are inspired by these traditional sounds, we aim to put our own spin on Folk Rock. We like to think if Shane McGowan or Liam Clancy grew up listening to Nirvana, they would create music that sounds like Rusty Nail!

So whether it is St. Pat’s and you are looking for a soundtrack for your revelry, or it is the dead of winter and you need a spot of whiskey and a jig to warm you, in Rusty Nail you will always find a great time!

Rusty Nail is:

Alvan Caby – Mandolin, Guitar, Vocals

Chad Ross – Dulcimer, Accordion, Banjo, Guitar, Bouzouki

Chris Otto – Tin Whistle, Native American Flute

Dennis Frentzel – Drums

Kelly LaRussa – Violin

Mark Hochberg – Bass

Pete McAvity – Electric Guitar

Who influenced you across the years?

Chad:As far as celtic music, I used to go local bar that this guy John would play all these Traditional Irish beer drinking along with some punk and 80’s stuff. The regulars would often sign along and make allot noise. So, I thought it would be great to learn those songs and posted an add looking for people wanting to play celtic music. Alvy contacted me and that was the start of Rusty Nail.

Speaking of influences,please name a top 10 of you all time favorites bands

Alvy:Black Sabbath

Bob Dylan

The Pogues

Dropkick Murphys

The Beatles

The Cure

Flogging Molly

Van Morrison

Dinosaur Jr.

Iron Maiden

Chad:Robert Pollard/Guided By Voices

Dinosaur Jr

Uncle Tupelo

Warren Zevon


Dropkick Murphy’s

Bob Mould/Husker Du

Black Sabbath



How the album will be promoted? You guys will start a tour? A video?

Alvy:We are interested in playing some out-of-town shows in the coming months.

Tell us few words about your message,i did notice sad lyrics but in the same time this is an optimistic album..

Alvy:I don’t think we have a “message” per SE.  I took a more honest and personal approach to writing lyrics for these songs.  I stopped trying to create a story that was funny or fake and I wrote about my personal struggles.  I went through a divorce, I had some personal crisis, I hated my job at the time, I was pretty miserable.  The writing has always been a sort-of therapy for me, and perhaps the songs reflect more of the struggle than the success.  I appreciate that you see the optimism in them.  I certainly feel optimistic about the future.  Maybe our next record will be all happy songs.

If you will have to choose a band for a split cd,who it will be and why

Alvy:I don’t know, maybe Taylor Swift.

What the future holds for the band?

Alvy:As long as we still enjoy doing it, we keep writing new material, playing as much as life allows and make as many new friends along the way that we can.

What else you guys are doing beside Rusty Nail?

Alvy:Some of us have other musical projects ranging from Bluegrass to Hard Rock.

A few words for our readers in Romania? Btw no google,what do you know about Eastern Europe? Romania?

Alvy:That is where Dracula is from right? My great Grandparents were actually from Romania.  Its a beautiful country, rich in culture and art, and that landscape is (in my opinion) some of the the most gorgeous sights on the planet.  Maybe someday we can come to Bucharest and play our little songs!

Where people can buy your music?

Chad:CD Baby, Bandcamp, Amazon, Emusic, etc.

Thanks to Alvy and Chad and Rusty Nail.

Interview will be on our 36 number, coming out this Autumn.


The Ramshackle Army-Letters From The Road Less Travelled-promo


East Grand Records will release the new material of The Ramshackle Army-Letters From The Road Less Travelled. About the band i can tell you that they can make a huge crowd to destroy the pub and kill all the whiskey and beer. From the shores of Aussie’s Melbourne to your stereo this 6 piece of finest celtic-punk will make your day.Authenticity, celtic mosh pit, sing along and energy these are the ingredients for this album. They have toured along with Dropkick Murphys in their Australian tour and of course they have been choseen to go along with them again in 2012 for their St. Patricks Tour on the east coast of USA. So if you are into bands like: Street Dogs, Flogging Molly, The Flatliners, DKM then this guys are for you.
CD/digital will be available in February and the vinyl will follow in March on East Grand.


thanks to East Grand promo

promo- 13Krauss-Seguir En Pie

These 6 guys knows the story for sure, a celtic punk from Zaragoza for the long nights in the pub with your friends. 13 Krauss is the name and Seguir En Pie is their first release, 9 tracks in the finest combination of punk and celtic folk, one instrumental song, 7 songs in Spanish and one in English (Insane) will make you dance around the whiskey glass. A nice combination between The Pogues and Dropkick Murphys all packed with sing along choruses.
Their first single Atlantida is still available for Free Download on Bandcamp (check this link The band has played as well with the mighty ska legends Bad Manners and they prepare a show for St Patricks with Fatty Farmers, The Detonators and Selfish Murphy. Also they prepare as well for a release of Seguir En Pie on vinyl.
We have listen to it and we recommend it from the heart, it goes nice with whiskey and good friends.Favorite ones: Little Timmy and Oscura Realidad

2.Seguir En Pie
3.Oscura Realidad
4.Mejor Postor
5.Little Timmy
8.Camino A Seguir

13krauss-Seguir en pie-CoverSMALL

for more info check them here:

thanks to 13Krauss

exclusive interview: Brutus Daughters -celtic punk from Spain


Mirceone (MPTY ZINE)-Hey guys. Congrats for the are things in the celtic Madrid?

Brutus Daughters: Thank you very much! It took us a bit longer than expected to release it, but there it is at last! Things in Madrid are going on as always, not a very powerful Celtic scene, but we hope it will change in the near future and more people start spreading it!

For the people who don,t know your name,tell us something about the band…how you guys started?

We started 5 years ago, when a group of four girls decided to form a punk folk band and look for someone who could play bagpipes. That was our main goal, then other members fortunately joined the band and we began playing in some pubs until we could support ourselves financially our first album. Although there have been some changes in the band formation up to now, since three of the former members left the band due to work requirements and three more had to leave also due to the same circumstances, it is true that the original spirit hasn’t died away, but increases as time goes by. Brutus’ Daughters is a group of friends who enjoy playing together and do their best to continue on the scenarios. And concerning the name’s origin….well, we chose Brutus because we wanted to show that not always heroes are the ones who triumph, but also anti-heroes like Popeye’s enemy, so that what we are…the real bastard daughters of the hero’s enemy 😀

I read that you have shared the stage with Mahones,personal i am a big fan of finny and co. speaking of them did you have listen the new album.

It’s a great work, we’re looking forward to going to another gig, we’re lucky that they come to Spain very often!

What can you tell me about the second album,specially because is a diy album and i know is hard to do something independent these days…

Our second album follows the same criteria of our first one, since we have recorded and produced with what we have earned in gigs and selling merchandising. It’s not difficult to keep being independent, but sometimes it takes more time to get an objective, like releasing an album or organizing some gigs together. Being under the direction of a discography is not such a bad idea, who knows…

Speaking of celtic folk and punk…from where you have the influences.

Each band member has brought up listening to different music styles, but we share a common punk folk taste, above all from North American bands, which mix punk music with Celtic instruments and melodies.

What is the band message that you want to be heard?

Our message is not a complicated one, we use our music not just to have a nice time playing together, which is true, but also as a means to communicate what we consider unfair in our society. Most of our songs deal with everyday injustices that each of us experience or witness and we can’t help it, it does influence our composition as much as we find inspiration in our surroundings.

Name please 5 bands that have influenced you.

Flogging Molly, Dropkick Murphys, The Dubliners, The Clash and Flatfoot 56.

Regarding the concerts,where can you be seen in the near future?

We are now organizing a tour through Spain and who knows, maybe abroad also. Going to Romania would be a pleasure, too!!

If you will make a split cd with one band,that you like it,what band will be?

That’s not an easy question, we’ve got lots of bands in mind, but maybe we’d choose two bands from Spain, Drink Hunters or Fucking Fuckers, we’ve been friends for long time.

Mahones or Flogging Molly?

Both of them, we can’t answer to this question!!

What plans you have for the future…another album,shows…what do you guys do besides the band?

For the time being we are going to enjoy our second album on stage, but there are some songs which have already being started, ideas are always growing inside and if everything goes as expected, we’ll spend next year playing and composing new stuff.

thanks to Rebe and BrutusDaughters. more infos about them and album on new number.coming out soon.