MPTY Zine presents and support for Romania:

Rovente is the latest album of Macola & Vibronda, recently released by One Step Records. It’s Marcola’s second album, launched at a distance of three years from Calma. Macola, on his name Marcello Mazzola brings along a combination of influences of all kinds, starting with folk, passing on with ska and reaggae and stopping at blues and country. The album begins with Rebelde, a track that carries you onto the wild West, written bt Macola in remembering the South American revolutionaries. Adesso is a strong reggae love song with many feeling . It’s easily going to folk and ska. Le Mie Prigioni is his own version .
Soul is present in Revolver, performed by Macola together with the ones from Enri ( a known Italian singer, present also at One Step Records) and in which we find out the story, full of irony, of a fantomatic latin lover. Uomini Liberi is a combination of reggae and.. tango, in which, along with Pepe Medri and two Redska members (Gelo and De Veggent ) talks about freedom, in all its forms. Resto Qui is an irony brought to those with a low life rhythm, which remain in day to day lameness.
This is on short note Rovente, a spiced album with everything from ska to swing and blues and reggae, an album full of optimism, a.. beautiful album.

also check out his website:

The Feet&Toes Project was born in Italy in 2007. Fetente is their first album’s name, which shall be released by One Step Records on the 1st October 2009. The album sound is a vintage one, remembering the 70s music, a style which the boys named ska-swing, a perfect combination of traditional ska and swing ans even reggae or doo-woop, in songs such as: Mio nonno era un ballerino di Charleston or Im falling in love. The band brings on themes like: antisemitism (Dirirro d’astensione ), war against terrorism ( Strana Gente), another one being love in Khatmandu or Knock out. There are of course rhythmed tracks, skansable, like A ritmo di ska or Plastika and an autoirony in The Feet&Toes. 15 tracks for dancing, full of optimism for the ska lovers.

l_a49b5f17042d4327aa1d473650493737thanks goes to: bands and Fra from One Step Records

also OSR bring the latest videoclip by Michelangelo Buonarroti

Asa a fost la Pokefest

Nu stiu cum ar trebui sa incep, un festival dedicat lui Cosmin, amintiri despre Cosmin si multi prieteni, prietenii lui Cosmin. Poate ca de acolo de unde este, si-a vazut laolalta prietenii stransi si depanand amintiri. Poate ca acest festival nu ar fi trebuit sa-i poarte numele dar uite ca s-a intamplat sa-l pierdem prea devreme…
Cum poate ca am mai spus-o, la muzica nu ma pricep dar cine are nevoie de ea? vorba unui cantec: FUCK MUSIC MAKE NOISE!. Punk-ul nu inseamna facultatea de muzica si nici versuri despre fete si soare.
Am trait pot spune niste clipe faine alaturi de toate trupele alea care au urcat sa cante si mai mult decat atat eram intre prieteni sau cunoscuti, asa cum ar trebui  sa fie orice concert punk.
Cosmin merita aplauze,trupele care au fost acolo merita aplauze, cei care au facut posibil concertul merita aplauze, cei prezenti care au platit biletul merita aplauze, cei care mai pun os-ul la treaba in aceasta “scena” merita la randul lor aplauze.

pentru voi…

cateva fotografii:

mai multe fotografii in noul numar MPTY online-in curand!


MPTY Zine sustine si recomanda:

YELLOW CAP (ska punk, DE)
747 (ska, RO)

Yellow Cap s-a format in anul 1998, avand un stil de muzica ska punk si reggae. Doua albume de studio au scos pe piata pana in prezent, “Doesn’t Matter” si un CD Live. Membrii acesteia sustin ca in procesul crearii unei piese noi se incearca includerea tuturor influentelor provenind de la stiluri de muzica precum jazz, funk, rock, latino si bineinteles ska si reggae, emanand astfel intr-un show live energie pozitiva publicului. Merita!

Trupa 747 si-a inceput activitatea in luna aprilie a anului 2007, avandu-i ca componenti pe cativa membri din fosta formatie Buzz, iar dupa ce l-au gasit pe tobarul lor actual, un tip ce a reusit sa se potriveasca stilului si personalitatii trupei, din noiembrie 2008 si-au reinceput activitatea. Membrii formatiei sustin faptul ca au un stil pop punk ska si ca versurile lor sunt axate pe povestiri reale, cantand despre ceea ce simt, lucruri pe care le iubesc sau urasc. Ascultatii si voi aici:

The Backstage Hero este probail cea mai noua formatie de punk rock, formata in luna martie, anul curent, din Bucuresti, avandu-l ca membru pe Alex, tobarul celor de la Chester. Concertul din clubul Fabrica din data de 27 septembrie reprezinta a 2a prestatie live a trupei tinere in fata unui public numeros. Dati-i o sansa: si ne vedem acolo incepand cu ora 20!

sursa: ANOPSIA



Brute Squad-Wolves Among The Sheep-2009

MPTY Zine presents for Romania: Brute Squad
H8PIECE Records bring along the new Brute Squad album, Wolves among the sheep. The band came onto the H8 Piece gallery along with bands such as Copyright Chaos, Blue Collar Criminals, Iron Guts Kelly and many more thers, representing the Tucson, Arizona scene proudly. Brute Squad was formed somewhere in 2001 in Tucson, Arizona, with 4 badass guys,pissed of with a lot of tattoos. A combination of hc/punk and a little metal, for many of the fans of bands such as : Hoods, Madball, Agnostic Front, Biohazard or Blood for Blood. It’s about how real life is in the day-to-day world, about the struggle for survival, friendship and loialty, fury against the system and unity. Hardcore/punk still lives along thanks to these banfs which continue to be loyal to the scene without becoming commercial or making compromises. An album which is from head to tail very tough and fast, cause as they said it “we play the real shit” so you mustn’t be expecting a pink pretty world, full of kindness. Hardcore as it should be, full of passion, friendship and optimism. 10 tracks of A+, and for sure a must have for all of the genre’s fans. IT’S THE LOCAL 138 TUCSON !!!
thanks to Mike!
