Determination romanian tour 2010

DETERMINATION (hc/punk-Austria) romanian tour 2010

17 august @ Cluj-Irish and music pub alaturi de: Carlos Dunga, Stuck In A Rut, Nido Di Vespe

18 august @ Timisoara-Atelier DIY alaturi de: Pavilionul 32, Carlos Dunga

19 august @ Bucuresti-Underworld alaturi de: Liberty Madness, Baretta Love

20 august@ posibil Constanta-mai multe detalii curand

21 august @ Sibiu-Art Cafe – mai multe detalii curand

Forbidden Kings+BOis With Boots+Nipel Twist+White Stain

MPTY ZINE sustine si recomanda:

Fire Club şi Anopsia Radio & Booking, cu sprijinul ACUM!, prezintă, în data de 2 septembrie, un concert pentru toţi iubitorii de muzică punk, de la punk rock tânăr şi melodios până la streetpunk-ul şi Oi!-ul venite direct din cartierele muncitoreşti estice dar şi occidentale! Headlinerii Forbidden Kings (Germania) sunt pentru a doua oară în România, dar va fi prima dată când vor zgudui subsolurile unui club bucureştean cu riff-urile lor puternic influenţate de hardcore şi rock’n’roll. Boi!s With Boots (Bulgaria) revin la noi în ţară după aproape trei ani, aducând un Oi!/streetpunk cu mesaj social puternic ancorat în zona noastră geografică. În deschidere vor cânta trupele de punk rock Nipel Twist (Israel) şi White Stain (Slovenia). Intrarea în valoare de 20 de lei include o revistă de muzică punk cu CD! Vă aşteptăm cu mic cu mare!

Interview: HWS

Au venit in 2005 pentru prima data in Romania pentru cateva concerte, au un album bestial si asteapta 2011 pentru a sosi in Romania din nou. Daca va plac Far From Finished sau The Briggs cu siguranta HWS va vor face o impresie buna…stay punk!

MPTY ZINE: Hi guys! How are you?

Hey man. Great. It´s summertime and the holidays aren´t far away. So we re looking forward to hang around at the lake and drink some beer and enjoy the summer. Sometimes we even go to our very very hot rehearsal room and work on new songs and practicing for the September tour..

I’ve listened to the album, it’s on repeat! I would like to congratulate you. Though, it’s been two years since it’s been out. When will you release something new?

Thanx a lot. Great, that you love that shit. We re now writing new songs for a single that should be released in December or January. Three songs are already done, but there are a lot of ideas for new songs, that we have to work out..

Who’s the Nasty girl you’re singing about?

Fuck. I really can´t remember that girl. Definitely I thought about one special girl when I wrote the line “she piss´against the police car – she s a revolution girl”.  Who was it. I don´t know, but one thing I know is, that she was/is a very cool girl.. 😉

Unity, respect, friendship, vodka, protest, beer… these are the ingredients of your album. How much of it characterizes you in your daily life?

Yes you got it. These are really the big topics on walkin under streetlights. Beside the alcohol it means a lot for us to sing about things which are very important for us. These are topics of the normal daily life, but also about our scene in which we are and which we love. The “new” punkscene in our town is splitted in a lot of groups (hardcore, punk, oi, Rockabilly etc), but we all respect the music and the attitude of each other. So you can say it´s one big scene anyhow. And all those guys in the scene are also friends and mates. You nearly meet up every week somewhere, talking bollocks, drink together and have a good time.

What bands influenced you, in a few words?

We all hear a lot of music and not only punkmusic. So it´s very hard to answer. But Bands we all like are e.g. Farfromfinished, the briggs, the briefs, ramones, Clash etc.. in the last year i´m very influenced by the album living in the fallout from farfromfinished. I´m listning every day to that fantastic  album.

“Punk rock changed my life”, someone said… And you say, it does not matter, as long as you are OK, come join us! Punk in 5 words, please!

Good music, cold beer and friends

Tell me something about your concerts. Where are you gonna play next? Where would you like to go play?

The most beautiful thing on a band is, drinving through the country, talking bollocks, meeting new interesting people and of course playing shows. We love playing shows. In September we will make a little tour through germany, then we play some single shows, before we will go to Austria in December.
After that we will start to record the new songs.  Our shows are always a great party, very energetic and rough. It´s quit wild. Very wild.  Our coolest tour was in 2005, when we were the first time in Romania, playing in Deta, Bucuresti, Bacau and Craiova. It was an experience for us and we felt in love with Romania and all those guys we met and became friends.. We plan to come back next summer.

I saw that the album is released by LoveLikeHate records, is that your label?

Yes it´s my label. But I´m not very busy with it.. In former times I released some singles and albums of very young punkbands, beside the HWS stuff. But now I ve less time for the label work and only promote the HWS stuff.

What is your opinion about Romania and when will you come for a mini-tour?

It was a fantastic time in Romania. We didn’t  know anything about your country before we came. It was a great adventure for us. All the guys we met were so hearty and friendly to us. Every night we met more friends. Unfortunately we didn´t had much time for sightseeing or hanging around, cause we did the 4 shows on 4 days and the distances were very far from town to town. Be sure we come back to Romania and we will have a great time there again. Personally my “number one” show was in Bucuresti in the underworld club and in deta…

Thanks for the interview! I hope to see you guys in Omania. If you have anything to add, please do! Cheers!

Thanks a lot for the interest in our band, we wish you and your zine all the best for the future. Hope to play a show in Constanta. A big cheers to all the Romanian punkrockers and all the other cool guys out there. Don´t forget, punkrock is good for YOU

contact band: HERE

all pictures used with permission

Mircea vs. Basti july 2010

Thanks to HWS


Ska Mutiny Records presents:

Ska Munity is a Britain based label which has just launched a split bomb of an Ep with 3 other bands: Kickback UK, Joe Terrifying, The Best of The Worst. A mix of ska, metal and hardcore from first to last song. Explosive, fast and with trumpets, worthy of your interest.

Joey Terrifying were formed in 2008 in the UK having sang in more than 100 shows. Their music combines ska with hard core and punk and with its already launched EP the band has a lot in store for us.

Kickback UK is an older acquaintance of ours considering the review of their album Preserving With Positivity, which sounds like a good combination between Less Than Jake and Strike Anywhere.

The Best from The Worst come from U.S.A., from New Jersey to be more precise. The band did a noble gesture and uploaded its music on free of charge so all you have to do is click and enjoy. Their work combines ska, punk and of course hard core with a female vocalist and the amazing sounds of the trombone. (uuuuuuhhhh yeeaahh)

3 bands, an awesome split cd and skacore at its maximum level.

Mediatrocity-demo cd

Mediatrocity is newly formed band from Great Britain which has recently dropped a bomb like demo which contains 2 songs. Promised Land and Waste of Society, a powerful mix of metal, ska and hard core. A protest against the media’s control over the masses, a antifascist, antihomophobic, antisexist message from a band which is worthy of more popularity and attention for sure. They will make you get off your seat from the first tunes. If you like Leftover Crack, Star Fucking Hipster, Slayer, Rage Against The Machine you should give this band a chance to impress you. Too bad they only have two songs.

Don’t forget to check out their web page: