One Step Records presents:

From Italy to Kingston and back…to roots.
Directly from Jamaica, actually Toscana(hihi). One Step Records bring the first album belonging to the band most probably to have a bright future, a reggae/ska band from Italy, Quartiere Coffee. 12 tracks produced “made in Jamaica style”, love and revolt on reggae/ska, dub sounds. The album brings featurings with Sister E (Michelangelo Buonarroti), Peter Spence, Rootsman, Jaka or R-Lab. A great mix of reggae, new school along with dub or dance hall. Saxophone, guitar, percution, lots of sun and miss sensimillia on a dancefloor skanking…LUXURY!.
if you like Radici Nel Cemento,this band it’s for you.Dread Revolution!More about them:

Combat Ska revolt made in Romagna. One Stept Records bring Redska’s new album in sounds of.. trumpets. Combat Ska, hardcore in some sounds, rocksteady, blues along with a little punk make out of Redska one of the most appreciated bands in Italy. 12 songs about workers’ lives, the struggle for equal rights and freedom against the capital punishment or an irony agains the Church or politics everywhere. A great album equally for skinheads, rudeboys or mods along with all those who enjoy this genre. The album brings many collaborations with bands such as: Banda Bassotti(“Tu che sarai”,”Il Castello”,Non cambiare mai”) Los Fastidios(“Rabbia e liberta”), Matrioska(“Ogni mio sbaglio”), The Good Fellas(Romagna e sangioviste”), Macola(“Le mie prigioni”).High skatitude!More find out:


click here for hires picture:


Kultur Shock live@Fire Club

Daca anul trecut Gogol Bordello ne-au vizitat de doua ori,anul acesta a fost randul celor de la Kultur Shock.Pentru amatorii de concerte bune,5 martie a fost un prilej bun de a vedea la lucru una din cele mai apreciate trupe gypsy-punk.Initial concertul fusese programat pentru ora 21.00,trupa s-a lasat un pic asteptata si au urcat pe scena in jurul orei 23.00.Publicul nu a fost prezent in numar mare (ma asteptam la asta,poate si datorita pretului pentru unii prea mare si poate nici ziua nu a fost aleasa bine-marti seara),dar cu toate a fost o atmosfera “in the family”.Baietii au facut un super show cu Gino cap de afis (care a afisat un outfit “gypsy -punk”de la mama lui),alaturi de publicul dornic de dans si distractie,aceste elemente au facut din Fire Club un loc gata sa explodeze pe ritmul de punk cu iz balcanic.
Playlist-ul a fost compus in mare parte din piese de pe albumul We Came To Take Your Jobs Away (cel mai cunoscut album al trupei)si nu numai,cu un punct culminant in timpul piesei Sarajevo,Sarajevo,unde publicul a cantat celebrul(de acum)refren” POLICIA POLICIA YOUR SO FUCKIN SLOW“,nici Istambul sau God Is Busy nu au fost mai prejos.
Dupa cateva piese,Gino a facut o declaratie publicului referitor la limba romana “ca e mai usoara decat italiana si mai frumoasa”bombanind un “multumesc”.Matty (vioara) ne-a interpretat si el un solo de toata frumusetea urmat de Gino si Masa (bass)care au incercat un freestyle (hihi).
Trupa a fost prezenta si cu un merchandise destul de variat cu albumele trupei (mai putin FUCK THE INS)si o gama variata de tricouri(surprinzator s-au vandut destul de bine).Un concert reusit din toate punctele de vedere (cel putin pentru mine)ca ascultator de Kultur Shock si poate ca daca era plasat in weekend era o alta poveste.
God is busy…may i help you?


Cobe-The Play

Fuck you…..and it started. with influences from Bad Religion, Rise Against or Anti Flag, Cobe enjoys us with the first ep: The Play. Coming from underground, this ep is made DIY and it has 6 songs(three plays in Romanian and three in English)
Dashing and speedy (quick) and having some “fist in the air” lyrics, the ep is surely one where true punk-rock isn’t missing, and that is the way is supposed to be.
The boys are not profiteers(hihi like you know who…) and they don’t make animal test, like they often say, they don’t regret being born in Romania and they’re really optimistic if there were a unity.
This album it’s a good quality one, considering the recording. Doubtlessly this band is one which deserves much more attention and shows. For any other details or to buy this album you can visit Come out and…PLAY


Behind The Scene #2

Noul numar din Behind The Scene poate fii comandat FREE la adresa de e-mail

Interviuri: Cezar (editor No Bollox Just Oi Zine)

Articole:Underground Music in Belarus//Kultur Shock live@Fire Club

News:The Orobians//Good Riddance//The Offspring//Street Dogs

Promos:Rebel Time Records-Broadcast Zero//Robot Radio Records-Lucertulas,Trumans Water,Rosolina Mar//HellCat Records-Time Again//Sleep It Off Records-Less Than Jake//HC Spirit//Pennywise//Coercion//Twinkle Tattoos Studio

CD of the moment: Cobe-The Play

click pentru varianta mai mare:


De 8 pentru mami

Cea mai mare bucurie ca am confectionat un martisor pentru mama.Hihi da ,eu l-am facut si mi-am adus aminte de copilarie:hartie colorata,carton si un “text inspirat“.
Ce emotie dom’le,ce ziua mamicii?!Cine sa-si mai bata capul sa faca martisoare,sa-ti miroasa degetele a lipici sau a cerneala?

In centru acolo,langa tarabele de martisoare sta o batranica,de cate ori trec pe acolo si am ceva marunt ii dau,se bucura…nu este mama mea,nu o cunosc.Cu siguranta are familie si au uitat-o sau cine stie…
Modernismul ma face sa uit de 8 martie.Am dat de o poza facuta in scoala generala,alb negru scria “La Multi Ani Mama!“,acum cu 1 leu cumperi doua martisoare “suflate cu aur de 24K”si alte kitch-uri.
De sfaturile ei tin cont tot mai putin “Mirceone ai aprope 23 nu crezi ca e cazul sa faci asa…”
Imi pare rau ca nu ii zic mai des “sarut mana mami,iti multumesc“.
Pentru mami mea…my hero

PS: uite ca am postat si eu un articol in moda blog-urilor ;))