Reclaim! UGTM 2011

The Legend of Romanian alternative culture, the Underground Timisoara Festival 2011 is an explosion of rhythm and live electronics, psychedelic rock and punk attitude.

It’s a total madness, a gathering of freaks from all over Europe (Roma, Paris, Barcelona, Berlin, Timisoara… :); a gathering of all those that are ‘on the edge’ in the ‘alternative scene’. It’s more than one could expect from this festival which was reborn in 2009.

Fred Frith, Tristan Tzara, William Burroughs invite you personally also to the 14th edition.

See playlist and prepare backpack cause in 20-21.05.2011 we´ll see you in RECLAIM! Underground Timisoara Festival no. 14!!! First punk festival in Romania ever!

Vineri. Friday. 20.05.2011.

OVO (italy) …the sludge from outer space.
NO NEBRASKA (germany) …free-jazz/noise punk with bass-clarinet.
C-UTTER (spain) …industrial/noise anarchopunk performance.
VELVET CONDOM (germany) …electro-pop/shoegaze.
THE :EGOCENTRICS (romania) …space-doom-psych-rock-jam.
ETEREA POST BONG BAND (italy) …industrialien post (bong) rock.
BENZO DIAZEPINE (france) …indus cyberpunk cabaret performance.
THE BAD DAYS WILL END (romania) …situationist sludgegazer post-punk
NOMEGA (romania) …experimental noise/rock.

Sambata. Saturday. 21.05.2011.

LA FRACTION (france) …legends of french & european punk rock!!!
BELGRADO (spain) …grrrll fronted after-punk.
INFERNO (italy) …sci-fi grind’n’roll.
HIROSHIMA ROCKS AROUND (italy)…violent noise rock.
HAOS (romania) …20 years of punk rock.
MC BROKO (czech republic) …breakcore/crust.
KRANK PERFORMERS (france) …performance: cyberpunk robots.
CREUTZFELDT JACKY (austria) …surrealist mix of 8-Bit techno-punk.
PT BURNEM (usa) …baltimore independent rap.
FAULENZA (germany) …acoustic anarchopunk.
BHC SOUNDSYSTEM (serbia) banat hardcore dub/reggae.
LIVIA SURA (romania) …blakened sludge crust.



UZOMI (crossover/thrash -Brazilia)

STUCK IN A RUT (hc/punk-Romania)

15 noiembrie 2010 in Irish and Music Pub din Cluj Napoca de la ora 21.00 / bilet 8 lei

UZOMI (crossover/thrash-Brazilia)

IMPURITA (hcmetal/hip hop-Serbia)

live at ATELIER DIY-Timisoara

18 noiembrie de la ora 21.00

CZOSNEK (hc/punk-Polonia)

HGW (punk/crust-Polonia)

12 noiembrie 2010 in ATELIER DIY-Timisoara de la ora 21.00


New Gigs

Joi 14 octombrie 2010 in El Primer Comandante din Bucuresti de la ora 20 / bilet 10 lei

RECYCLE BIN si ALARMA punk rock de la Bucuresti DC.

Miercuri 20 octombrie in La Gazette , Cluj de la ora 20.00 / bilet 10 lei

TORO BRAVO streetpunk/oi-Lituania

GXFXTX thrashcore-Lituania

BROSIDED old school hardcore-Lituania

Joi 14 octombrie in La Gazette, Cluj de la ora 21.00

UNITED AND STRONG beatdown hardcore-Germania

STUCK IN A RUT hardcore/punk-Romania

Duminica 7 noiembrie 2010 in Atelier DIY, Timisoara concert post-punk de la ora 21.00

BERNAY’S PROPAGANDA postpunk-Macedonia

THE BAD DAYS WILL END postpunk-Romania

UPDATE: 3 noiembrie 2010 in Underworld

CRIMSON FALLS deathcore-Belgia

SHESDEAD metal/hardcore-Romania



17 august in Cluj alaturi de: Stuck in A Rut, Carlos Dunga si Nido Di Vespe in Irish and Music Pub

18 august in Timisoara alaturi de: Pavilionul 32 si Carlos Dunga in Atelier DIY

19 august in Bucuresti in Underworld de la ora 21.00

20 august in Constanta alaturi de: Rock n Ghena in club Pulse